XboxEra Community Hangout |OT12| The Dirty Dozen

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Yup, we literally were told they would do a Sekiro like approach to difficulty. So people are running at bosses as beginning of the game Sekiro and refusing to grow stronger.

From what I’m read, the old stragetegy of everything bleeds and gets stagger works just as well, but at least the people who are using it are actually engaging with the rpg mechanics to get their results.


Man, I’d hate to take them back to Nintendo days…

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I mean when you got the assets and engine done, the next one won’t be nearly as challenging.

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Kinda meaningless when they are games of different scope and size


Whats missing is the context of marketing and hype changing entirely. Also missing is how Nintendo has so many games in their vault, just waiting for a time to be released. Those latest times do not mean development time.


I’m honestly surprised by how much I like Eyiuden Chronicle : Hundred Heroes. There is so much stuff to do here !


I’m not a souls guy at all but Flintlock looks like one that’s more accessible and more importantly for me, beatable. The only souls game I have beaten is Steel Rising from Spiders because they give accessibility options and one of them which is the only one I adjusted allows you to retain what you gained when dying. In other words, you don’t have to go back to reclaim what you lost when killed which I completely hate in games.

Flintlock looks more action oriented and I watched 30 minutes of the playable demo on Steam and didn’t need or want to see anymore. Flintlock starts my 15 game second half of 2024. Let’s go!!


Don’t we all know…


God this new Luma AI Dream Machine is awesome. Here’s a short Anime I made using a combination of Microsoft Copilot, Adobe Lightroom, and Luma Dream Machine. It’s going to be so shocking someday for the people living under a rock when they finally discover AI :joy:


Warm days are coming here, 28 to 30+ degrees. I’ve decided to do a test. I’m keeping my big ass TV off and I’ll game on a small pc monitor. Just to see what kind of temperature difference it’s gonna make. I imagine a 65 inch QD-OLED produces quite some heat. Should be interesting. Friend said it won’t make a difference, I don’t believe that.

Way better for the Staffy girl as well.


“But how can I brag about the sales?!”


It has been 95 degrees here (35C) here everyday for the last week+. Heat index over 100 most of those days. Today we get a respite back down to 85 (normal temp for summer time)

That’s quite hot. But is it also humid? Because that’s the one thing that always ruins it. Hell, even 40 degrees in Spain in 2017 was hot as hell, but doable because it wasn’t humid. I despise humidity. :expressionless:

It sure is. Humidity fluctuates a lot here, but in the summer it gets pretty swampy.

Which also invites the mosquitos, horrible devils. :weary:

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A fan blowing a nice breeze at you will make a much bigger difference than any TV ever will. :wink:

Issue with fans is if the room is warm (and these old as hell houses heat up waaaay too fast) a fan will just blow hot air at that point. I do have a mobile airco, which has proven to be a lifesaver in the days the temperature is absurd, but the noise is no joke.

With using solely a small screen I hope I can delay the usage of the AC for as long as possible. :wink:

In other news…

Starting to look really forward to this one, nice location!


I live in an old top-floor flat, facing the sun all afternoon and evening. The heat build-up is ridiculous (on the rare occasions it actually gets hot here.) But I find that a simple fan makes a huge difference, compared to just stewing in your own juices.

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