XboxEra Community Hangout |OT12| The Dirty Dozen

It’s reassuring to see Klobrille like that, after being bordeline depressive for the last few months !

To be honest, we were all doom and gloom for the last 3-4 months. And look how excited we all are now !

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No tempered expectations. Tomorrow is going to be epic!


I hope this is good:


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I’m ghosting myself. See you tomorrow!


Klobrille is warning for first party leaks, good to know. Staying off Twitter completely now.


I mean I get the “leak” is due to company themselves, but wish they keep it to themselves. I don’t know if there’s more but I won’t bother to search. I ghost myself.

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8k is as pointless in my head as 4k.

I can play Pong at 28k 240fps, who gives a shit.


It’s getting bad out there. We have media outlets spoiling the show on twitter. I always find it hypocritical when outlets are anti-leaks in some instances and then open season for certain ones.



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Up scaled probably(devs would have to work on a patch), since Sony is investing in upscaling tech similar to DLSS. Microsoft recently showed off super resolution, but they’re planning having it launch with ARM pcs.

Edit: even with upscaling, 8k would likely not be the norm.

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I’ve already stopped going to gaming sites, I’m not on Twitter and on here I’m sticking to non-spoiler threads.

Just turned off Google News alerts on my phone to avoid spoilers popping up, and just unsubscribing from a few games newsletters / emails outside XboxEra and Game File.

Full lock down mode to avoid the leaks, as a few years ago FH5 was spoilt for me - if I’d not known it was coming and it was set in Mexico I think it’d have been a good a show for me as any ever as I love that series, so keeping expectations low but also allowing myself to be surprised hopefully without spoilers

The SoP was pretty wild though. I went back and it was nearly perfect. It wasn’t spread like ones I follow. I think they report it for two things. One is the cat was out of the bag since it’s the company themselves that basically spoiled it. Two and most importantly, got to get those attraction rate for engagement which equals money. Who wouldn’t want to miss this?

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Hundreds of people already waiting :rofl:

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I better join them.

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Dawn of The Final Day

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It feels like everyone has gone dark to avoid spoilers. :smile:


Some brave souls still remain. :laughing:

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