XboxEra Community Hangout |OT12| The Dirty Dozen

Is it possible to ban specific users from sharing links? No reason, just curious.


I mean it was obvious, but yep, we’re definitely seeing Space Marine 2 tomorrow.

I get what you’re saying, but I don’t think any of us expected ABK either, hell, even Zenimax came as a crazy shock and surprise. But true, if it’s not at least a reputable source I’ll not post it.

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Cool cool It is in my wishlist


I honestly don’t get why you’d want this? I mean sure, I admit, that tweet wasn’t the best but come on.

Dude’s fueling the dumbass imaginary culture war. He’s the stereotypical GAMER TM.

wow, big if true. Unsure how all of this will work, but I would be down for that


Like a PC.

I honestly don’t know how that could work. I don’t see a scenario in which this wouldnt be in the detriment of the Xbox store.

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Well, exactly. None of those were rumoured and the news wasn’t broken by random Twitter accounts!

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yeah, it doesn’t make sense because why would Microsoft want people to make purchases outside of their store unless valve agrees to give them a 10%-20% cut. However, I don’t think valve has many incentives for that except for allowing xbox gamers to build a steam library. That could result in an xbox gamer making the jump to pc easier by having a built up library. Also, can they charge for online play when you can just play valve games without paying for online

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Ive said it before, but I see it working like Discord integration does. You dont buy the games on the xbox, but you link your account and the games show up in a tab in your library.

Microsoft should buy Steam. I believe if the election goes how people think it will absolutely happen and i don’t think it will stop there discord will be on the menu too.

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If the next Xbox has PC compatibility it will create a scenario where the console can be low volume without losing third party support (the biggest concern of the fanbase). This would allow them to more fully explore their multiplatform initiatives without the negative impact to anyone, and the money made by going fully down that route will likely be much more than their declining console business generates.


Imagine if they can make a deal where they make the store available on Xbox (same with Epic Games Store) but t hen have Gamepass come to Steam and EGS in return. Win/win maybe?

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Id allow it.

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Pretty sure theres a leaked email from Phil or Satya stating Microsoft would support the acquisition of Zenimax, Warner Bros games and Valve…all at the same time.

Exactly when you have Steam and the other storefronts on your console who would be concerned about going multiplat. The big play will be Game Pass.

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I’d imagine it is the way they have they have the Xbox app now where you have RIOT, EA and XGS games categorized and linked to those stores behind. The new Copilot PCs make for a case where every publisher has a store on Xbox and just all play through the Xbox launcher.

We don’t know what their plan is for all we know they may have every publisher have their own store front or category like it is with some on the Xbox app. They are redoing a lot with the introduction of new Copilot PCs so I’d imagine this affects the console and Game Pass might be their big play.

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Definitely intrigued by the idea of having that on Xbox. But I wonder what they would do with pricing. Games are quite a bit cheaper on Steam, right? So will they price them the same as on the Xbox store and Steam on pc’s remains the same?

Will we be able to play games any of the games on there and with a controller? Steam has quite a few games we don’t see on consoles, certain strategy games etc.

And then there’s the matter of PlayStation games, will those work?