Cautiously optimistic…
Anybody ever have issues with back compat 360 games not signing you in? In the past I could clear local 360 saves then it’d work but nothing’s working.
Dordogne, what a nice little game.
It’s chill, interesting heartfelt story that I can appreciate and it’s great to play in between these bigger games.
I sure do like Game Pass.
As a fan of racing games, this looks pretty fun. I laughed at the cart racing where the guy hits the other driver on the head with a bat or crowbar not too long into the trailer.
Wow! - Wow.
this happens from time to time
i had major login issues on bc games and my 360 last year.
Thank you so much. I couldn’t find any signs of an outage on the support page so I thought it was just me but everything I was trying to wasn’t working like usual haha.
best to check reddit or the forums on trueachievements if you have any (login) troubles with 360 and bc games. usually enough people are affected to make some posts there.
DF wasn’t kidding when they said Evil West was very soft, blurry in performance mode. But it’s not like quality mode is exactly great either when it comes to…performance.
And the more I play of it, the more I find it just an OK game. Too much annoying shit in this game, in co-op that is. Enemies become bullet spongey quite soonish, sub bosses and normal bosses too, taking way too long to just die. In each boss encounter they throw normal baddies at you too, sometimes would be OK, but it’s during each damned boss fight and overall during normal fights it’s often just too much. We put the difficulty at easy now and it still takes way too long.
Then annoying “squeeze through” pathways that only the host can trigger and I as secondary can’t do a thing. The devs have some stuff to learn.
im sure this has been posted before but i really enjoyed this. Obsidian is by far my favorite studio this gen
Just saw that Shadows of Doubt is coming to Xbox. Very happy about that, that game looks like it gets close to my dream detective game.
I jumped into this game with an update that dropped last week and have been having a ton of fun with it. Lots of immersive sim elements and the game leaves the door wide open in letting you solve cases however you want to.
I’ve only played about a dozen or so hours of it but the only big negative I have so far is that controller support could use more work. When looking at your clues and going through the menus it can feel really wonky and buggy when using a controller. Im hoping it’s something they iron out whenever it releases on console.
Wasn’t Amazon Prime going to charge extra for the HDR feature in their content? I was expecting to watch Fallout in SDR but sure enough it’s very much in HDR.
Did they backtrack on that ridiculous decision?
I’ve noticed someone posting there is now Ad-tier Prime and you pay extra for ad-free tier. Not sure if this is replacement, or just another thing.
I don’t know, but I hate Prime because their HDR likes to turn off and on when I watch their content. It’s incredibly distracting when it happens.
Oh damn, that sucks. I didn’t notice it in the pilot of Fallout.
This forum is a few thousand people in a pool of tens of millions. SEGA, Capcom, Bandai Namco, and now Square Enix are all realizing that putting your games everywhere is better than getting an exclusivity bag.
I feel like these are being slow-ass news days.