XboxEra Community Hangout |OT11| It Goes To 11!

Congrats. I don’t know which ones don’t offer a second chance or why, some of the tests I did that stressed the f out of me had another chance but it meant paying in time and money for the whole thing again, so might as well consider it an only chance :laughing:


It was a paper for a mandatory seminar. We never get a redo on paper’s.

Too true about it costing way to much time and money to fuck up though.


Riccitiello and his ilk are frauds. They ruined Unity in the name of shareholder value.

Looking at the stock there is not even a lot of shareholder value, smh.



Seeing rumours that the showcase date will get announced today!


Saw this one coming. I was offered a job at Unity only a few months ago.

Why even bother recruiting people when this happens?

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No, please. Every insider’s New Year Resolution is to stop with vague BS. Say it or shut it.



Nice to see them expanding.



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Couldn’t give less of a shit what IGN liked. The real question is if I will like it. Gameplay looked fun to me.


Kinda worried for Rocksteady tbh, their first game in 8/9 years and I feel like it’s gonna bomb

Layoffs are coming fast from every studio these days and with Zaslav the way he is, I think the studio will be hit hard

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I played it too and yeah, I didn’t like it much either. Some stuff worked, but the stuff that matters didn’t. This is not at all what I want to see from Rocksteady.

Oh I wish it was that simple…


It’s not the Xbox account so it’s probably not aimed at “those” rumors, but still.

I did like what the Xbox account tweeted, out with the “played more than 100 hours of a game, bad review” or something like that. Clearly about the very suspicious Starfield Steam reviews where it said the person played well over 100 hours.

You was under NDA I see. Sad to hear this.

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I am ready for the DD

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Yep, the closed beta late last year.

Visually it looks good, didn’t had me dropping my jaw but good enough and the framerate especially in the beginning was a rock solid 60fps, later when more action happens it had some framerate drops.

Controlling the characters was fun, the combat is good but nothing really stands out when it comes to different moves. I guess it does what it needs to do.

The main characters weren’t super interesting, they talk plenty but it’s just never really all that interesting nor funny. A game like Guardians nailed this for example. The voice of Harley started to annoy rather fast too.

Where it really got boring and soon I dropped out was when I started playing some missions, it’s just the usual shit of “defend this beacon or character long enough by blasting very generic, boring baddies” and then you finish the mission. Or big enemy tanks that appear in the game world a bit too often, or choppers and you just have to hit their weak points to destroy them.

It bored me incredibly fast after the prologue.

Was there much story/cutscene content?

IGN didn’t like starfield either so and i enjoyed it so maybe I’ll enjoy suicide Squad