XboxEra Community Hangout |OT11| It Goes To 11!

Ha sadly you’re 100% correct.

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I wonder when we get this direct announcement

I just noticed Forbidden West was announced for PC.

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Great catch, hadn’t seen that… go figure, I just bought it on PS4 a couple weeks ago. I swear, if you need to know when x game is coming to Game Pass or another platform, just ask if and when I bought the damn thing lol.


Yep it popped up on my steam page yesterday. Still waiting for a Ghost of Tsushima PC port.

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Wasn’t this announced months ago? Could have sworn it was

I’ve really grown on GoT… it’s probably sentimentality to my time and friends in Japan, because it’s nothing I haven’t played in Ubisoft games three-dozen times before, but there’s something special being one of the only Japanese Middle Ages game to come out in years. Plus, if you have a great sound setup, I would argue that it’s the best-sounding first-party Sony title I’ve ever heard.

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I loved the atmosphere of the game and the combat felt really good. It was very repetitive, but I enjoyed it and it’s a game I would probably go back to when they inevitably re or re-remaster it.

If they make a sequel, my one wish is that all of the missions don’t involve you having to “follow those tracks”. My god, that was so annoying. :smile:


The setting does look very appealing. It’s one I can see myself thoroughly enjoying from the bits I have seen/played, I’m just holding off to properly play it. From what I remember it launched at a strange time as it was just before the PS5 released, so I decided to hold off then due a backlog of games continued holding off.

Knowing Sony they will probably do a Infamous 1/2 remaster before porting anymore of their games to PC. I’ll definitely pick it up when it eventually comes to Steam though :slightly_smiling_face:.

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The pc port was announced for 2024 sometime in 2023 when Playstation announced the Complete Edition.

I have years of old Nintendo Power and GamePro magazines sitting in boxes in my basement. SNES to N64 era mostly. I really need to figure out how to sell them. :rofl:

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Ebay is probably the best route. I used to have so many magazines but I got rid of most of them. I still lament losing my Next Generation mags though. It was a special magazine that sadly didn’t last.

Don’t forget to save your screenshots and videos from the Xbox network. Last day till they’re gone.

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I believe it’s by the end of March.

It says deletion starts on the 9 January.

Anyways better save than sorry.

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First I’m hearing of this, thanks for the warning!

Edit: it’s nice that there’s a system in place to export all your media at once when you launch the capture app. It’s still irritating to deal with but I guess it makes it less of a pain.

It’s Xbox’s new “most important” exclusive. I’m prepared to see some really strange nitpicks


Yeah, It’s already being set up to fail by certain outlets. They’re doing the exact same thing they did with Starfield.


If your screenshots and videos are saved on the Xbox network, don’t try save/upload via OneDrive. It’s not working at all even when it says it will be on your OneDrive in a few hours.

Just download it into an external drive, put them into your PC and then you can upload it into OneDrive or the Cloud of your choice.


Thanks, I figured doing the less complicated method would leave less room for error. My captures are safely backed up and organized on my private server now.

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