XboxEra Community Hangout |OT10| Insert Catchy Quip Here

Take your time, it’s a huge game. There’s a lot to learn and discover, you just have to keep at it. Take notes on a note book if you can.

It’s intimidating at first but you will find your way, eventually.

I didn’t finish BOTW but restarted it last year because I was lost and it was easier to start again. Also I knew where to go and what to do so it was way more fun. It’s a game that you just get better at by playing and learning. And it’s not just practice but knowledge.


Xbox should stop giving review codes to ign after Ryan’s constant outburst.

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I disagree on that because IGN are still one of the biggest video game outlets.

However, I think they should stop giving them IGN first previews. I feel those have usually been bad due to how bad their previewers showcases a game.


I agree. I think they should start giving them to small channels to help them grow like iron lords and this one

Just hit me the last Zelda game I played was Zelda 2 on the NES. Haven’t touched any of the 3D games. Maybe at some point.

What are the rumors

I clicked througj the tweet and the rumor was basically a Halo SP is very early in development and he seemed to suggest it wasn’t at 343.

Sounds like a trash rumor and they weren’t that sure of much

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I think we were too harsh on that IGN preview for Redfall though lol. The game turned out to be actually that dull lol.

That’s true, but they have had other previews where the person playing it made it look bad.

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Tbf the Switch is ultimately a handheld system. Of course though, the frame rate should at least be locked 30 imo.

It sucks this got canceled, the setting looked really interesting


Ocarina of Time was a pretty important and revolutionary game. It was amazing for its time… Had to be there in 1998 though because it’s impact wouldn’t translate or hold up if you played it now.


Yeah. I was more of a Sega guy at the time, (which is funny because I owned a PS1 and not the Saturn which was more expensive at launch ) only N64 games I played was Goldeneye and Perfect Dark (which blew my mind at the time as far as FPS go.) at a friend’s house who owned one.


I was a Sega kid for sure but I didn’t get a Saturn because I felt burned from the Sega CD. If the Sega CD never released I for sure would’ve saved my paper route money for a Sega Saturn. N64 had a pretty strong pull to me though. NES > Sega Genesis > N64 > Dreamcast… my main consoles basically went Nintendo then Sega, then Nintendo, then Sega again :joy:

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Yeah , unfortunately I was still at the stage where I relied on my parents to buy me consoles and they naturally went with the cheaper option. I don’t regret PS1 it had an amazing library ( best of any PS console IMO) but I wanted a Saturn. Still regret not getting my hands on one to this day. It had an excellent selection of games and me being the Capcom whore that I was in the 90’s I was jealous of the near arcade perfect versions of 2D fighters on the Saturn compared to the ghetto versions on the PS1.


You got it all twisted. 2D fighters were dead. Tekken was on PS1. Saturn had Virtual Fighter though which was a cool game. Sega Dreamcast took the fighting crown back though with Soul Calibur. Dreamcast even rescued the 2D fighting games with marvel vs Capcom. Dreamcast came out when I was 16 so it was the perfect timing because I finally could make purchases without any parent assistance or waiting months and years to save up :laughing: People forget Dreamcast beat PS2 to market by a year, then when ps2 did finally launch it was lame for another year on top of that. Basically 2 full years of Dreamcast as the only real place to game. Truly the best 2 years gaming has ever experienced. (Once Sega left Xbox took over some of that magic.)

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Finished Dead Island 2.

Well,that ending was a let down. I told my brother as the chopper flew off to get ready for more. Until we found out this was it. We weren’t done at all. So I guess either a expansion or a third game?

So i went and plug in my Switch that i have not use for over 2 years. Bought TOTK. On my 70 inch 4kTV, TOTK looks like ass. Fucking hell does not look good at all. It was kind of a little shock after not playing on my switch for so long.

Don’t remember it looking that bad, maybe i need time to adjust after playing so many games at 4k, going back to the Switch on a big TV is a shocker. It looks like it’s below 720p with frames drops and aliasing.

So apparently Nintendo said this in a investors meeting.

Moving forward we are planning to disclose new hardware and software.

They are talking about the right timing and a “smooth transition.”.

So, any guesses. Will it be hardware on par with PS4 Pro/One X or better? Knowing Nintendo it will be a Pro…at best.

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I doubt it. I would be surprised if it was base PS4 and Xbox one. This is Nintendo we’re talking about. :smile: