XboxEra Community Hangout |OT10| Insert Catchy Quip Here

It’s a fantastic game what are you guys talking about? Some of the best Doungons and a amazing final boss fight

And re TaoTK if this game has proper Doungons I will absolutely love this one. This was a major letdown in the last game!

Ultimately there is something Zelda games have that others don’t have. Wonder what makes Ori great? It has the adventurous feeling you are getting new abilities to progress further in the map, there are hidden secrets.

This is what makes Zelda for at least and if they put proper Doungons into TOTK this thing is going to be adventurous.

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Now that TOTK has locked up 2023 GOTY. Hopefully we can stop with the GOTY talks. Frankly, i’m sick and tired of it.


There could be Xbox games announced there. 2 and a half years ago they were hiring for a next gen RPG with Series X listed.



Must be tradition to release a Horizon game to retail during the biggest release of the two.

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I was wondering that myself. My friends all loved it, but they are hardcore Zelda fans and they may be biased a little, haha. I didn’t like the controls but now it’s on Switch with normal controls I might go for it some day, hopefully for a nice price.

Personal request.

Is someone a PC tech expert? I’m trying to build my own PC and I’d like to know if the components I’m choosing are good / right. If you are intrested in helping me, drop a DM. Thanks.

Have you checked out Pick parts. Build your PC. Compare and share. - PCPartPicker

There are lots of sample builds there and the “part picker” tool automatically checks for compatibility. It makes sure your motherboard/cpu/ram all work together.

I’m not an expert, but i just did a build a few months ago using info from that site. I’m happy to take a look at your plan if you think it will help.

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honestly, that VR Horizon game might be the best game on the PSVR2 which… going by just the noise hardware makes when it launches, has absolutely bombed.

it was send to die but i dont see any doom and gloom posts from the impartial gaming journalists

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This is the kind of MMO I would try out. Assuming it actually comes to fruition at all.

Me playing other games:

Because Zelda hasn’t been interesting to me since Majora’s Mask(Best Zelda game imo).


It’s fine if you’re not into Zelda. Worst case scenario is you and your friends/family go into this:

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I enjoy Zelda, but after playing through wind waker, Twilight Princess and part of Spirit tracks I just didn’t really feel like Zelda was a series I wanted to keep up with.

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So couple of friends of mine yesterday told me Xbox Series consoles got a permanent price drop. And I was like wtf, how did I miss this news? I’m on top of gaming news.

Then I just saw this article, lmao.

Read the article and it talks about the SSD cards. But I guess they were too lazy to edit the article title?

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No, it’s more of a clickbait title, people are more likely to click on a story about a console price cut as opposed to storage.


Extremely sad.