XboxEra Community Hangout |OT| Safe Space no longer required (Part 1)

Series S bundled with Fortnite V-bucks let’s gooo :stuck_out_tongue:


:green_heart: Xbox Series S :green_heart:


I see that FFXV is leaving the Game Pass on January 29, I have the base game myself but didn’t finish it. I never bought the DLCs. Are they worth it? And can they be played before finishing main story?

Depends how much? I like the second and third one a lot. the first is lame however.

Yep. The Xbox version had lots of bugs at launch as a result. I’m a huge monster Hunter fan and that really pissed me off.

I believe right now they are still with Game Pass. I guess I’ll check it out and see if I can play them without story completion.

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If you are far in the main game this should be no problem

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First time using the Skyrim mod manager on Xbox. One of the worst experience ever. Can’t sort your search result and the result itself is random. If you delete a mod you can run into a problem where the game didn’t registered it and you have to delete all of your mods to get rid of this ghost cache issue. What’s worse is the constant disconnect because of Bethesdas potato server.


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Not sure what does free cloud save have with mentioned games? There’s nothing to save on those games. It’s a great feature and value proposition for Xbox, but in this context I don’t see a connection.

Reading around Reddit about reactions of the XBL gold price debacle I think we were dangerously close to a huge Xbox goodwill and PR setback.

Lots people seem to be concern trolling as a way to vent; ‘not sure if I will stay with Xbox after this’ etc etc

People still feeling heated lol

Sony screws over their fan base with $70 games. Nintendo royally screws over their fan base repeatedly. Microsoft announces a horrible decision but reverses it in less than 15 hours and adds to it by making the free to play games what they should have always been - free.

Yeah, it’s definitely a tough decision for those people. SMH.


Like another user said, we’ve m come to the end of this debacle with Xbox adding more value. So it it truly is odd seeing people say they MiGhT swap to PS when they have not shifted on their stance towards BC, hardware compatibility, cloud saves, game prices, and partially, cross play,These are companies that have shown time and time again that they will not budge on their their decisions.

Strangely I was getting that every now and then when routing HDMI via an AVR then to my OLED. However I’ve never had it since going direct from SX to my OLED (Philips 2019 model). There’s clearly some weirdness coming with the SX HDMI handshake. I’m thinking linked likely with the SX new GPU and/or 2.1 changes and I’m assuming improvements will happen with SX firmware updates… who knows

Of the bunch, there’s 1-2 that are worth playing. Ardyn being the best by far.

I saw this posted on another forum. If this is new, finally we see some sign of life for this game.


LOL I will celebrate until the day Nintendo finally creates a joy con without drift issues

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Playing FFXV now and I’m just shocked how good this looks especially compared to 16. The first trailer really disappointed visually speaking, it’s like a totally different developer is making it.

That being said, the combat is still great too, really like it. It also makes me long even more for FF7R now. Please let it come to Xbox, I’m tired of the silence.

Yeah they need to announce it soon. It’s so stupid they still haven’t said one word about it. Sony deals are the worst.

Working on the Community GOTY vote. You guys really liked Ori, huh. :joy:


Work harder!
