XboxEra Community Hangout |OT| Safe Space no longer required (Part 1)

LOL. I know right.

The unreal and many other marketplaces are there in place so one can buy and use it commercially.

MORONS. Having uninformed opinions about everything.

Too much repetitive uninteresting content

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If guards detect me, they detect me. I simply kept plowing ahead. lol. I still may play Dishonored 2 at some point this year if I have nothing new to play but I would say thatā€™s a 50/50 shot at best.

As for you, play on easy. I did. Dishonored is more about story/characters than it is about the gameplay/combat. Hope you can get through it!!!

In Dishonored 2, I always had the game nagging me saying I will get a bad ending if donā€™t play stealth, but stealth almost negates the need for weapons build. I enjoyed the game but I felt that balance of styles was not hit, maybe I will have a try a full stealth playthrough and see how it works out.

I remember playing Final Fantasy III on Windows, remember I had the Windows Phone version that ran UWP. Same with Final Fantasy I.

Two Final Fantasy games with achievements, just ready for GamePass, stuck on UWP and Windows Phone. Save them :philwins:

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The Story is actually the worsed part about the game lol. I play on normal the game is easy enough this way.

I enjoyed the story and characters. Guess itā€™s just me then. lol.

Corvo do this Corvo do that. So far this is the story :smiley:

I love the lvl strutcture. Soo many paths and options you have sadly all these options rely on stealth and honestly this is how the game is the most fun. In Dishonerd 2 I will play on hard so be punished when i get discoverd. I like how you can run away once you got found. Makes some funny wasy to deal with a task.

Isnā€™t hero does this hero does that the structure of most stories in video games? I also thought the story was good and the world fascinating. Worst part? If you think so sure, but worst part of a rock solid game isnā€™t too bad if you ask me. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Uhm luckily most new games donā€™t follow this rule anymore :smiley: Given the situation it makes sense but characters are boring and donā€™t have a character. Basically all they say is: Hepy Corvo you have done great work now we can follow the plan oh and here is your next target.

Itā€™s not the end of the world the world and the lvls do make up for it greatly. I would welcome more character with Dishonored 2. The game does feel gamey.

Hope this is improved with Dishonored 2.

I you go quit in dark souls it will automatically save on the spot and youā€™ll resume just where you left.

Iā€™ve beaten bloodborne without knowing this, and had I knew this it wouldā€™ve helped me a lot. At least I knew what to do when I played ds2 and ds3.

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ahh youre referring to that, yeah I had to figure that out myself too, itā€™s a bit of a breather but the pause is the problem more than the save imo.

Sekiro fixed this problem cuz you can pause in that game while DS games donā€™t have that option while having no meaningful necessity for it cuz Sekiro is equally difficult although in different ways and follows similar lock on system and largely 1v1 combat. Sekiro had a lot of QoL improvements over the traditional souls formula.

Itā€™s just interesting how quick resume fucks with their intent of no pause in the DS games at a system level lol

I enjoyed this video, explains velocity architecture in a way that a layman like me can nearly understand it:


No idea how fast the loading was on One X, but from main menu to gameplay is like one second. In the game The Vanishing of Ethan Carter.

SSD is the truth!

Yep Some games from last gen require to press a button after the loading and more than once it was simply instant and I waited longer becaus I forgot to press a button l. Crazy.

I played Portal 2 from start to finish at one day and I can swear I saved easily a hour. Do to how the game is structured after every chamber the game loads. And the game has maaaany chambers.

Dishonored a game I play rn takes 2-3 seconds for loading. Basically instant

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Fast travel for me is a huge change. Playing AC Odyssey on the One X, Iā€™d often look at where I needed to go and estimate that fast travel would take nearly as long as regular travel, so may as well go by horse and see the views, with the Series X it is fast. I suspect my play time in hours on the game, particularly the second half when the map was opened up fully, would have been substantially shorter if Iā€™d had the Series X back then.

The Original DS dude!!! YES. The revisions were very welcome for the DS but always have a place in my heart for that original trapezoid design

For a couple years I thought i lost it when me and my folks moved but nope good old nolstgia got super mario 64 ds as my first game it likely was a birthday gift

Same for me. A few years ago my brother found it in his couch he was getting rid of. I lost it in like 2006 or something. I still remembered what game was in it (Legacy of Goku 2 in the GBA slot lol)

sunset overdrive is up for sale for like 2 dollars right now on gamepass pc store lol, should I grab it?

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