XboxEra Community Hangout |OT| Safe Space no longer required (Part 1)

I had a slow down problem that was being caused by one specific ad. I shared it on the Ads thread and they fixed the problem for me.

Try posting your problem there!

Sooo… anyone watching the Final Fantasy stream in 2 minutes?

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Man Im knee deep in New Super Lucky’s Tale lmaooo

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There is ads now?

It has been happening to me too. I don’t mind that we have ads, but yeah, they’ve been making the page jump around.

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They dont work for me half the time, I just get a gray bar saying “ADVERTISEMENT”

Videogames? What are those? Never heard of them.

Welp, Final Fantasy XIV is coming to PS5, but not Series X. I still had hopes. Disappointed :frowning:


Its not coming till gold and the f2p thing is abolished. Always seemed like an E3 thing to me so no big deal.

They hate us.


no version for Xbox… :disappointed:

Weird. I wonder what’s holding it up.

One of my last original threads on the other Era was about if MH Switch would happen so if my luck continues Square Enix will give a release date for FF14 on Xbox before the end of the year

This is one thing that I’m sad Phil hasn’t delivered on. I’d love to start up FFXIV on Xbox, would give me a great reason to jump back in.

There’s a 2 day fan fest with “more announcements” planned for May, so there’s still a chance (albeit, slim)

I do feel Phil saying they were assuredly bringing the game to Xbox necessitates a follow-up, either in the form of confirmation or backing down, as too many are hanging on those words.

My thoughts right now though? It’s probably not coming to Xbox.

I think people here are kinda panicking about this. FF14 announcement really seems like something that would be revealed with an E3 like setting as a result of the f2p gold requirement going away.

Last we heard on the issue, DX12 support seemed to be the biggest factor rather than Xbox policy (contrary to what Other Era would have you believe)


I take it all!

Same that sounds really good

Mhhh now that I think of I also have to redo Sekiro…potential potential. First Yakuza 0. I have a lot time in the coming weeks. :smirk:

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