XboxEra Community Game of the Year - Post your lists!

OK I’m not sure I can come up with ten, so Ill try my best during the homeschooling “quiet 20 minutes drawing” lesson. :slight_smile:

  1. Hades - Wonderful game, tight and fun to play, gorgeous artstyle and even though I lack the skill and patience for most roguelikes/lites/whatever. It just kept me wanting to play again.

  2. Ghost of Tsushima - Like Horizon Zero Dawn, I wasn’t bothered at all until I saw reviews and impressions just after launch, I picked it up and massively enjoyed playing it, I’m looking forward to getting back into it on PS5 since it looked gorgeous on Pro.

  3. Yakuza Like A Dragon - In truth my first Yakuza game, for long and boring reasons. I grabbed it after seeing reviews and simply because I love turn based games. Amazing fun, wonderfully camp and with great voice acting.

  4. Wasteland 3 - I paused playing this after putting in around 20 hours due to worries about bugs, but it was hard to do I was enjoying it so much. Aside from the lack of polish when I played it was just a fantastic RPG, great writing and characters.

  5. Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Came out just as we entered lockdown and I needed to keep the kids entertained/bribed after doing schoolwork. My eldest and I spend so many hours together in what should have been a stressful time being totally delighted and laughing at each other missing butterflies. We have rather fallen off it, but a wonderful game.

  6. Sackboy Adventure - Just as above, I picked this up to play with my eldest as we re-enter lockdown, we have only played a few hours but we have laughed like idiots for most of that time, Her face when she realised she could slap my Sackling to steal my gold trophy was a joy to behold, but that came second to when we realised we could pickup and throw each others sackling.

  7. Hyrule Warriors - Been years since I bothered with a Musou game, whenever I have had the urge I am not wowed by reviews. This one though, just solid enjoyment and really makes me remember those nights with my friends playing dynasty warriors on PS2. Colourful and pretty too.

[edit] 8. Call of the Sea - Last minute addition. Goegeous to look at and with wonderful voice acting. A desperately eerie island and puzzles which do not infuriate and a length that never overstays its welcome.

Best ongoing game: No Mans Sky. - I enjoyed the game at launch and every update has thrilled me more. My most played game of the generation by far and the one that I have enjoyed most. While some updates concentrate a little “too much” on MP functionality I don’t care for there is always something there for me. It looks stunning on PS5 too, Have yet to try PSVR again.

Best Publisher: Sony - Just some great games released during this tough year, Astrobot and Sackboy has delighted us over the holidays.