Xbox Games Showcase & Starfield Direct |OT| SPOILER FREE

#holdtheline is now officially our hypetrain motto, isn’t it?



Is the runtime confirmed?

This and also they’re not going to want to pass up the largest number of eyes seeing the cool things that they might be “missing out on” - if they can show people some really cool stuff in halo season 4 it’ll help drive traffic there for a while better than showing to only a smaller number in an extended showcase. Not saying it’ll definitely be there, but it’s where I’d put it if I want to maximize exposure and try to increase player numbers.


Tbf Jez really liked the showcase. So he’s technically not wrong with his tweet.

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Confirmed @Mort is the lead gaming journalist for gamerant


Gamerant is a clown show.


Very true.

And he could have denied Fable being there, but instead just said he didn’t tease with anything. That isn’t denial or confirmation of anything.

So there is a chance.


He doesn’t seem to be the biggest Sony fan, that’s my dude!

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Wonder what the SEO Metrics are on “face the reaper”. :rofl:


Won’t be receiving update for a while, but good for him to be at the show. I think next year, I should plan a trip over there.


It’s the end. Get ready to say goodbye.


Goodbye to “Xbox has no games”

This is how much I am hyped




GameRant will need to face The Reaper sooner or later.


I thought people were trolling when they posted game rant articles like that, they are actually real?

I definitely see the logic in that especially if they are crunched for time or want to keep things focused on a good number of new titles. With 90 minutes and the possibility of many new titles, it makes little sense in staying in the past.

I’m of the opposite opinion where I think this show is all about brand perception and management and they can write headlines by showcasing their popular and thriving live titles.

Xbox can’t rely on the media to convey how successful their games are so they have to toot their own horn.

Even though Halo isn’t at that level yet, I do think they should make a big deal about Season 4: Infection. Infinite is at the stage where it should have launched, and so they could sort of do a “relaunch” of the title.

If Season 4 includes enemy AI in Forge, they should make a big deal about that because it means infinite PvE content which resonates with a lot of people right now and could be massively popular. With Overwatch dropping the ball there, it’s good to capitalize.

I just like the idea of Xbox reminding people that certain things is exist and are insanely popular whether the gaming media likes it or not. A reminder that while Nintendo and Sony excel in certain areas that Xbox also excels.

I say all this with the realization that in a 90 minute show it has to be proportional. Going over previously released titles should happen at a snappy pace, almost feeling rushed with information overload. 5 minutes with an additional couple minutes dedicated to one big update for a major title.


I get the games are popular but everytime they pop up with the same games every conference, SoT, FO76 etc the collective reaction seems to be “not this shit again”

People just find it boring seeing the same games every year, new content or not

and I get the argument of having these games isn’t stopping some other big game from getting shown but I think for some people, these games being shown at all every year is the problem rather than it actually taking place of something else

Personally, im really not interested in seeing content unless it’s something major, like the PotC thing for SoT was really cool, random update where you can name your boat now or some other nonsense, not so much

Either way, im not too bothered as long as they blast through this stuff quickly and don’t kill the pacing, last years pacing was way off thanks to Forza, Riot and Diablo


I look at myself as an example. Seeing ESO at the Dev Direct made me want to play it, despite knowing of its existence for years I never paid enough attention to it to see what it was really offering.

Every showing is an opportunity to convert people and the goal for a GaaS is not just maintaining the existing base but continuing to grow it. It would be terrible business to not use 10% of your marketing event with the widest reach to these games you’re trying to grow.


People like these games. Having quick updates about them is useful. I don’t give a fuck about most JRPGs but that doesn’t mean they don’t have a place.


Sure but I think the difference is you’re not seeing the same JRPGs everytime

Well, unless your FF16 I guess

That game feels like Deathloop at this point

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If all you care about is new AAA games, the show will be about 15 mins. I don’t think the entire industry combined would have a 90 min show. Sony literally only had spiderman in terms of actual gameplay