Xbox Games Showcase & Starfield Direct |OT| SPOILER FREE

To be accurate, they are showing single player gameplay on June 13th in Forza Monthly.


Is the career mode something new for a Forza Motorsport game ?

Not new exactly - they have had a single player “story” mode at least before where you played various championships with different car types. With the amount of time they’ve spent & the level of interaction with parts of the community though, I think there’s a pretty good chance that the career mode for this title will be significantly updated & worth them doing a deep dive on (which is probably why it’s outside the normal showcase).

For example - there’s this article from FM7, so they definitely did call it career mode before:


It was a career mode in the loosest sense. It was like playing an excel spread sheet. :smile:

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Not a bad comparison. Honestly wasn’t a huge fan of the homologation rules they applied to it last time around so wouldn’t mind if they made that optional or got rid of it. And getting the master championship achievement took forever of doing every single one. I enjoyed most of it, but did get a little old. That said, I did like the option to make races longer if you wanted, I wouldn’t mind that option in fh5.


Yeah, I never really hated it, but I’m totally on board with them doing something more fun and immersive.

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I’d love if they could get F1 into it, and some of the new ev stuff (extreme e could be neat but might not be a good fit) but I kinda wonder if F1 isn’t locked to just the yearly EA game. I’ve tried a couple of those and they’re ok but would like the physics better in FM.

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This is what Phil needs to respond!


These devices are Batman approved. :smile:

That’s what I was thinking of when I saw the other as well. Just needs to be black.

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Needs a larger screen, like a 65" OLED and the controllers on the side …


Phil should jerry-rig this thing with two controllers and an iPad, and put it on his famous shelf.

Sony used to do this when they were top of the world. Xbox doing this is giving me serious urge to increase the hype scale.


Location list


I did say that FOR ME, it was worse.

I simply go based on one thing - how many games am I getting out of the showcase. That’s literally it. Xbox Games Showcase 2022 gave me 4 games. Yesterday’s PlayStation Showcase gave me 5. Percentage wise, it’s 17% and 20% respectively. Last year’s Xbox Showcase and yesterday’s PlayStation Showcase are my two worse showcases this generation when it comes to Microsoft and Sony.

Yeah, expecting gameplay from 7 or so first party games is perhaps unrealistic but how much is it really? Fable 35 months since it’s reveal. Contraband 24 months. Avowed 35 months. Indiana Jones 28 months since it’s announcement trailer. Perfect Dark 29 months since it’s reveal.

In my opinion, it’s time for Microsoft to have gameplay trailers for all of these games especially those that were revealed 3 years ago. Even if Fable is like 2 minutes and just shows you your character walking around the world with snippets of combat (like Witcher 3 in 2013 which sold me on the game) will get the job done.

We definitely have different tastes. I like AA games but Indies for the most part are of no interest to me and last year was mostly an Indies show. Same as Sony’s show yesterday and both have the same thing in common - mostly games that will never be for me. lol

I HATED the 12 month format. It’s stupid. Why Microsoft would restrict and limit themselves and also put unnecessary pressure on all of their studios is beyond me.

I have no interest in the 12 month format because there’s no WOW moments, no surprises, no HOLY SHIT moments!!! Plus, I know that it would just be mostly indies which aren’t for me and that it would only be a Game Pass show which I know majority here love and while im a fan of Game Pass, I want the surprises and I want the games that you thought you would never get. In a 12 month format, none of this will happen.

Hopefully we do, and Phil and Xbox backs up this recent passive trashtalking. Because not to sound impatient but I am tired of waiting. But Avowed ALONE would blow the roof off for Xbox.

Offtopic: Starfield’s soundtrack been giving me the chills man… Something about it…

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This doesn’t have to be true. If they kept at it, they absolutely would have these moments.

Is this a first for them? It does make them look very confident. Really hope they’re not doing this for very long stretches of Slime Boy Chronicles type games.

Of course, I’m not going to place my hype at the impossible levels that the Sony one was placed at either.

They did have only like 4 or 5 of fanfest based location, but now, they’re doing more of theater presentation. Meaning there will be more gathering and involvement with fans celebrating the game. Not to mention, easier for fans to gather and have fun. They even paying our snacks. How cool is that?

Yes, it is best to keep expectation in check. But I wouldn’t blame you if you’re having a trouble keeping it in.

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