Xbox Games Showcase & Starfield Direct |OT| SPOILER FREE

IMO if they have something fanservicey like Banjo, Killer Instinct planned but it’s too early for gameplay then do a CGI trailer, it’ll be worth it.

Obviously i don’t want to try and manage people’s expectations but you definitely sense a lot of positive buzz from xbox after the somewhat tepid showcase last night and no doubt Xbox is well positioned to host a very strong show but as we know things don’t always work out as expected- the CMA decision being a prime example as we all thought it was a formality.

On paper Xbox really should have a strong show with the games that could potentially be shown from the studios but I guess you could’ve said the same about Sony’s show - first showcase in over a year, you expected to see games from all their big guns but surprisingly it didn’t pan out that way (especially when journalists were saying how they heard good things about both shows). I’m not saying I’m lowering my expectations because of Sonys showing but more trying not to get caught up in the “Microsoft’s showcase is definitely gonna blow Sonys out of the water!!!” talk. If we at least get an Avowed walk-through I’ll definitely be happy :rofl:

With a lot of talk of certain games being downgraded, it’ll be interesting how games on the xbox side hold up. No doubt people are going to be over analysing everything regarding Hellblade. If the leaks are true weirdly i can see Avowed’s art style catching some flak but i really cannot wait to see what type of RPG gameplay Obsidian have been cooking up with Avowed.

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So the rumour was that Namco is developing Killer Instinct ?

And who would be the developer for Banjo ?


There are no rumours about who would be making Banjo.

They should wait until they own Toys for Bob.

At least we had Phil saying we would see some of the games that were announced in 2020. So there’s that. Just depends on what these games are. I still think Fable won’t be here, but a surprise is very welcome. And that’s not counting Starfield, which is incredibly exciting by itself.

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If we don’t include Toys for Bob who would be developer ? Sumo Digital is the only studio I can think of who is actually big enough for a AAA. Smaller studios would be Gear for Breakfast and Playtonic, I guess ?

Sumo would be the only other suitable option, besides Playtonic (which we know isn’t happening) or Double Fine (which shouldn’t happen).

They should still wait for Toys for Bob, though. What they did with Crash and Spyro is what we need for Banjo.

Didn’t Toys for Bob turned into a support studio for Warzone ?

Partly, but they are still making Crash Team Rumble and MS could easily reverse their Call of Duty work once acquired. It’s not like Vicarious Visions which was absorbed into Blizzard. TfB (and Beenox and High Moon) still exist.

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It will be fine since those games have a history. Doing one for a new IP is harder.

Well, if you believe Nate it’s in the works with someone so they aren’t waiting for Toys for Bob

Very good, open the show with a visually arresting game, setting the tone for the show right there. Start off with a “banger”, haha.

It could be such a strong show, depending on what they present and how they present it. It doesn’t even need a ton of brand new announcements either, if the majority of XGS is games announced in 2020, that’s great. One new one I can see being Compulsion.

Last year show had strong parts but also parts where it hurt the pacing a lot. But it’s probably not easy to avoid that. But they didn’t have much new big stuff from XGS yet, it sounds like that’s a different story this time.

After all, Phil also did say things finally are starting to line up.

I don’t believe Nate lol

But obviously we’ll see. I just don’t know who could make that game to the expected quality besides Sumo or the Activision studios.


It wasn’t just Nate. MVG also said he heard it’s development, but didn’t know the developer.

Eh. We’ve been hearing Banjo rumours for years. I’ll believe it when I see it.

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MVG and Nate have a podcast together, so I dunno if it’s the same sourcing or not.

Watch Banjo be something like Young Conker in terms of looks.

I would…

Nate said it was Sumo Digital.

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Care to share when he said that?