Xbox Games Showcase & Starfield Direct |OT| SPOILER FREE

Has Phil tweeted anything about the show like he usually does? I don’t expect hype tweets from him, that’s Aaron’s thing, haha.

I just want Killer Instinct man


Do we really expect Gears 6 to come out at 2026? so TC will go from 3 years development cycles to a 7 years development cycle? even considering covid and all isn’t this a bit too much? fall 2024 or early 2025 seem like the most logical release windows IMO.


I suppose it can come down to how ambitious they plan on being with the game as well as dev times just being much longer now (and as well as Covid as you mentioned). I know very little in terms of how actual game development works…but say if they really do plan in reinventing the franchise somewhat, maybe it takes them a chunk of time to experiment with the changes they want to make and assuming that side of it goes smoothly it could be they just want to take as much they as they can to sit and assess what direction they want to go in with Gears 6.

So perhaps 7 years is too long, at the same time maybe Xbox said to them take as much time as you need beyond the usual 3 year cycle to get Gears 6. While they aren’t reliant on the series anymore, with the budget the game probably has i’m sure Xbox would love for the series to make a big splash again and because more “relevant” .

2024 or 2025 latest for Gears 6.

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I reckon Gears 6 will be Fall 2025

While I think the Gears formula has got a bit tired there’s no denying how well made they are and how good they are from a technical perspective

Gears 5 also had a crap load of content and was built in like 3 years I believe so a Gears 6 getting near double that in dev time would be very exciting

2025 might end up being an Xbox One era throwback fall with Gears 6 and Forza Horizon 6.

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Next time Phil comes onto the GB podcast I hope he’s happy, because he just got back from having a great show. We need happy Phil back, he was far from that at Xcast. He’s always cheery and happy, and I have a feeling he’ll be like that again in the GB interview. We’re gonna get a good show that makes Xbox fans in general happy.

Cheery Phil is best Phil.


I hope Xcast get him back for a more positive (and hopefully longer) interview.


Gears 6 in 2025 is likely for sure

I guess we can eliminate this from showcase.

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The 3 of the biggest xbox pods have their predictions pods out now if youre jonsing


Defining duke joined by Xbox Two


The defining duke one takes it studio by studio and is 4 hours long lol


I imagine one of these is bound to happen one day

Would have been a waste of precious time anyway.

I watched Podcast Unlocked yesterday, good show with some entertaining predictions.


It’s funny how Scalebound is probably the most likely of these lol


It is lol. As much as I would love to see Lost Odyssey 2 or a Xbox character mash up kart racer/fighting game Scalebound is the most likely. And there is basically no chance of Crackdown 4 happening unless Xbox is planning on rebooting the entire franchise.

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Give me Lost Odyssey 2 or give me death

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*sees Lost Odyssey 2 mentioned…


If they keep to the same formula, FH6 will probably be released in 2024.