Xbox Game Studios |OT9| How many games would a game studio make if a game studio could make games?


Really excited for bigger games to start hitting. I feel like we’ve been talking about Avowed, Fable, Hellblade 2, Compulsion’s project for…years without even gameplay.

Will be amazing to finally see these in action and then in hand.


Sounds very good to me. Can’t really make out from those tweets if going back to drawing board means that the features Sponger spoke about will or won’t be in the game. It does sound like it will be bigger than ToW, but if that means truly open world or not remains to be seen. Honestly whatever it ends up being I am sure it will be great, open world or not.

Avowed reveal has to be next E3, I would be surprised if it still isn’t.

It does make sense why they didn’t show us anything after E3 last year, with all this in mind. It would have been nice if they had given an update for those that have been waiting ever since, but alas.

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Basically, they wanted to go full big scale to really hammer down they fact they are a AAA team, and I think what info Sponger had is from that first vision. Now, they still gonna have several features from that version, but obviously scaled back a little because like they said, they don’t have as many people as Bethesda being able to work on a project.

It is really good stuff they are gonna focus on what they do best and go further and further that way.


Yeah, it starts to fall in line with what Jez previously said. It will be bigger in scale than ToW but there’s a chance its not fully open world. And if that’s the case it definitely isn’t the end of the world. Them focusing on their strengths is always a good thing.


Got a feeling we will see inxiles first project next year. They have 2 teams, one which was working on a project since 2018 I heard. I think the steampunk rpg is a while off. Probably 2025

Pretty sure the first game is the “steampunk” RPG. In quotes because nothing more than InXile devs being mods on a Steampunk thing on Pinterest suggests that it’s Steampunk.

They had a game in work prior to acquisition, but from what we know it’s likely the game was re-scoped to be larger after the acquisition.


focus on features that mattered

let’s create an Obsidian game, let’s build on The Outer Worlds and create a bigger and better RPG.

I’m glad they were able to refocus and not let the pressure of making a really huge, ambitious, AAA game cause them to lose a lot of what makes an Obsidian game special.


I hope they just do a Series S2 and Series X2. And do that naming convention instead of something bizzare. Give some continuity, it works.

I don’t think so. I believe it is gonna be Xbox Series S2, X2, S3, X3 etc.

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AA game confirmed.

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I kind of agree but I head the god of war guy was working on a game since 2020, he’s left now. Which makes sense for a third person game.

I think the steampunk game will be first person.

I feel like it’s gonna be Skyrim sized, which is small nowadays, but imo a perfect size game for me.

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Obsidian overscoping a project is nothing new lol. They are known to be very enthusiastic in their initial vision.

Hell even POE 2 needed some more scoping in my book. The sailing features was very meh and the game would have probably been better without it.

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Damn. Here I thought one of the reputable sources like Jez or Grubb had mentioned steampunk. So officially all we know it’s a big new RPG by inXile and that’s it?

I believe Sponger said some things too, but that doesn’t count. Not really.

I think Jez mentioned it as well in an article, but he used the term believe. Sponger never mentioned setting.

The launch of Fallout 76 was a disaster.

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You’re right, I remember Sponger talking about budget for the game, which is apparently very high. And I don’t think he said much else, did he?

To be honest I’m a bit over all this, again hearing from other sources that a particular game looks great etc. I’m getting tired of the waiting for all these new games, and I fully realize that this isn’t exclusive to Xbox at all, it just sucks.

We’re nearing 2023, two years into the current generation and have yet to see the fruits of any of the newly acquired studios. At least we know next year has Redfall and Starfield for us, but we have no idea yet about Fable, Avowed, Hellblade 2, inXile. And then other stuff like Contraband.

Not trying to be ungrateful at all, the waiting game just isn’t a very enjoyable game, lol.