Xbox Game Studios |OT9| How many games would a game studio make if a game studio could make games?

Also Starfield…

As if there was any doubt about this:


I think Oblivion back in the day went from November 2005 to February/March 06 so they at least have some history of that

I guess it’s possible but imo if it does release in the first half of 2023, it will be the later half, personally im not ruling out giving it the full year and bringing back the 11/11 date since

  1. Early 2023 is absolutely stacked with releases so less need to cram in another massive title like Starfield

  2. The more time the game gets the better, you’ve already spent 6/7 years working on this and delayed it a few months more, what’s another few months?

Yeah, anyone with half a brain or that wasn’t trolling already knew this

“oMg, oNlY 4 cITiEs bUt 1000 pLaNeTs? lolololololol”


Time to copy and paste for court hearing on Sony’s side.

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Well BGS games had cities and bunch of villages and dungeons.

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The wait has been crazy enough as it is, so if it can make the first half of 2023, then please yes. Screw any other game, for me, lol.

Before E3 Howard said they were putting the finishing touches on the game. I’m hoping it’s a good sign for a launch in the first half. But we just have to wait and see what happens, as always. But of course, if they need the time, it is what it is.

As for the cities part. Well, Fallout 4 for me was were I felt the cities especially were lacking. Diamond City and Goodneighbor and that was it and it was rather small too.

Jan 1st is early…


Grounded success might make Xbox a very enticing place for developers. I can’t really think of a big publisher that is allowing smaller releases like Bleeding edge, Grounded, Pentiment, and other gets published. I think with more games like this it can really make Microsoft an intriguing place to work because there are probably many devs that don’t get green light on smaller releases.


Nah, they all want to crunch on Premium Games™ a.k.a real games.


It would be amazing. But that’s only three months after initial release. Kinda doubt it.

Yeah, but they said first half of 2023, or did they also say early 2023? I will believe once they announce the new date, because no way will they commit to a new date if they aren’t beyond 100% sure.

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Red fall February. Starfield late may maybe june

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A more serious guess from me would be November. But I hope it’s sooner.

That Logo from Grounded is so awesome!!!


It’s just crazy to think about how Todd said “putting the finishing touches on the game” , like, nearly there but we’re polishing it, fixing stuff. Only for it to still release a year and a half later.

But I get ya, it’s safer to just assume that, especially not get our hopes up too much.


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I’m really excited for the coalition’s next game. I’ve been out of the loop. I know they where rumored to be working on a smaller non gears unreal engine 5 game. Still just a rumor.

They are absolute technical wizards. I would love to see them make a 3-8hr linear game. I can only imagine the graphics. The last gears is 3 years old so I’m hopeful to see their next game announced no later than e3.

ID software are also amazing devs , and I’m so excited to see their next game. Loved their two doom games, haven’t played the dlc for the new one.

Full list of Modern Warfare II / Warzone 2 developers within Activision:

  • Activision Central Design
  • Activision Central Tech
  • Activision Localization Dublin
  • Activision QA
  • Activision Shanghai
  • Beenox
  • Demonware
  • High Moon Studios
  • Infinity Ward
  • Raven Software
  • Sledgehammer Games
  • Toys for Bob
  • Treyarch

Warzone Mobile:

  • Activision Shanghai
  • Beenox
  • Digital Legends
  • Solid State Studios

This depresses me.


The “O” in “Xbox” uses the same design MS used for their “O” in “Microsoft” in the 80s. It’s a cool callback.


If Wasteland 3 had higher production values and just a little more polish, I believe it would’ve been regarded as one of the top RPGs of last generation by the mainstream…and I still regard it as such. Great writing, player choice options, and systems.

InXile has two teams currently. I believe the WL3 team is the smaller one. Depending on the scale of that project, I could see it coming out by 2024. The larger team I’m betting on 2025 or later. Still hiring key positions. They brought over the WoW lead. I’m expecting that to be a big game. Based on talent and how long pre-prod is taking, I’m wondering if they’ll go for CPDR type scale. All speculation at this point but all signs point to it being pretty big.