Xbox Game Studios |OT9| How many games would a game studio make if a game studio could make games?

One One X I remember it being pretty clean after the patch though. How is Deathloop in terms of that?

No idea, didn’t play Deathloop or watch much technical analysis on it

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Dishonored 2 looks better than Redfall? This place has lost it.


Red Fall looks like an absolute blast to play

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It’s quite fine to have personal preference with visuals tbh, especially that it involves stylized graphics.

For example, to me personally, RDR1 looks better than RDR2, and I realize it’s crazy to comprehend but I personally just see it that way. RDR2 is more realistic and impressive but I prefer looking at RDR1 even with all the technical visual shortcomings it has in comparison. To me, Halo Infinite was one of the best looking games last year yet I know it’s a controversial thing to say apparently.

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It’s good they are doing this but it suggests to me that Hellblade is further out than we all think. Surely basic game mechanics like fighting would be figured out early on?

Hellblade 2 needs to come out soon and/or Xbox leadership needs to commission some 5 hour game that is just about the graphics to feed the “need next gen visuals” crowd, oof.

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Agreed. Never played Prey but watching gameplay walkthrough of it, you can definitely see that it more closely resembles Dishonored 2 than Redfall does.

nah, i prefer them to release when it’s ready. No point in rushing games and Microsoft will have other releases, so no rush.

Some posts about Redfall since the reveal give me “looks like a ps2 game” vibes where people would say that line criticising something and clearly have rose tinted goggles or a very bad memory of how games actually looked like back then

Although the “starfield is ugly” posts are much more laughable


Xbox should do nothing to appease the vocal 1% who will whine about anything


And it wouldn’t surprise me at all. After all Phil said that studios making use of motion capturing got hit the hardest with the pandemic. Maybe people started to believe in a 2023 release after they had it at the awards last year, but I don’t think that is necessarily the case at all. A game that could definitely be 2024, and yet they showed gameplay of it last December. That’s why I don’t immediately believe Xbox doesn’t “believe” in showing games too far off anymore, Hellblade 2 reveal wasn’t even a year ago.

I think you should be careful trying to read into stuff like this too much. We saw them getting back to motion capture a while ago as well as the main character doing combat stuff.

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The main issue with the Redfall talk that I have is the fact we have only seen footage from a test that Arkane is running to make sure their systems are working like they should. We don’t yet know what the final product is going to look like, just look at Halo Infinite, and how different the look of the game was after they updated the lighting and textures compared to its 2020 showing.

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I don’t mean it literally of course, I’m just making a point how the graphic heads are always tuned up about getting that “looker”.

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What we saw at E3, was that just a test? Still, I don’t think we should compare it to Halo. But I do hope you’re right. I don’t expect drastic changes, just a clean image with little to no aliasing. Lighting in some places looked nice already.

Not sure if it has but it feels like Hellblade 2 has been shown off every year since 2019, I wouldn’t be surprised we see it again at the 2022 game awards.

Typically from what I understand the gameplay mechanics are one of the first things to be developed, all the pretty things come after.

I hope we see it soon, it just seems really odd that they are doing it at this late stage. Wouldn’t you want the gameplay mechanics sorted at the beginning of the development?

Perhaps it’s for a different game completely, it doesn’t necessarily need to be for Hellblade.

Test might not be appropriate but iirc correctly it did say beta footage or something like that and the game is at the absolute minimum at least 6 months away, potentially 12 depending on when they want to hit within the first 6 months of next year

Plus those E3 videos are almost always taken from builds that are months old as it takes a while for teams to get the footage required together, its not like they did that stuff overnight the week before E3 and sent it to Xbox so the build we actually saw could be well up to 9 months if not more before the retail release, that’s a long time to polish things up

That being said, I was never going into Redfall expecting next gen level visuals, its not what every studio is capable of or even what they set out to accomplish, same as every gen

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2019 was the XSX surprise reveal and Hellblade 2, right? That was great. 2020 had nothing but december 2021 had the gameplay reveal.

It does seem a bit late to have combat mechanics in the game now, but game development can be a surprising and unpredictable thing. We had Todd Howard saying music is the first thing in game development for them. That sure surprised me.

But as for Hellblade 2, we have to keep in mind that Phil Spencer did say studios using motion capture got hit the hardest. I’ve no idea how long it takes to fully have the motion capture finished, but perhaps this caused for a real long setback. I would love to see it at the awards this year this time showing some combat. Hoping for some real raw, visceral combat.

That is a good point about builds being months old. That gives me hope for Starfield dropping first half of next year.

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Well technically it should drop on/before the 12th June 2023 if it is truly landing in the next 12 months.