Xbox Game Studios |OT9| How many games would a game studio make if a game studio could make games?

Not about list wars for me at all. It’s just to finally have something tangible on all these far away games. Because again, Fable. I would find it very disappointing if it won’t be until 2025 that we see anything from it. I see nothing wrong at all with showing what is coming beyond 12 months.

They have all done it and we even had MS doing that with Hellblade 2 last December and everyone was surprised as hell. Maybe my view on this will change once they actually have E3s where they manage to showcase multiple XGS games.

And true, leaks. But they are a thing, so to avoid that they kinda have to announce stuff officially way in advance . Just like the Kojima thing, we knew about it.

Didn’t it launch this year?

I would be genuinely shocked if we don’t see Fable by the end of 2023 and if it isn’t released by the end of 2024.

2025 showcase for a game that started development in 2017/2018 and was announced in 2020 is way too long.

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If the showcase had been the next 18 months, I think we would have seen Avowed, Contraband and Belfry. It wasn’t, so we didn’t.

To be fair in addition to the usual 5+ game cycle they have had to create a whole new team and build a RPG on a engine (Forzatech) that’s never done that genre, I suspect multiple changes have been required to adapt Forzatech along the way.

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I get that, but I still think that 2025 to SEE the game is wild to me (maybe it comes out in 2025, but we will see it in 2023 or 2024).

Yeah as a huge Fable fan I was gutted when Lionhead closed down. Fable is one of my most anticipated games, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s 6-7 years when you factor all that in (plus Covid) on top of the normal 5 years it usually takes to make these AAA games.

I personally hope we get it sooner but I don’t want them to rush it either. I’m happy to wait to get the best reboot we can get.

People are beginning to adopt the Hindle timeline I see


7 years to make Fable seems nuts but it would actually be fairly normal

They essentially built a new studio and were heavily upgrading their engine to deal with combat and rpg mechanics those first few years

Then you add Covid on top of building an open world RPG, 7 years is nothing when it takes established studios building sequels 4-5 years in non covid times

Zero Dawn took Guerrila 7 years iirc

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I really hope so too. There really is nothing wrong with showing things that are still a long ways off. We saw Hellblade 2 last December and it doesn’t even have a confirmed release year yet, but I am fine with that. It was great to see it.

We’ve have several studios in the past showing something from a game that was still longer than a year off from launch. Or even just a update on social media or blog with some details, maybe some artwork, anything would be so much better than complete silence.

We all think Avowed has a strong chance for late next year, but we haven’t see a thing and we have no idea. We can only guess that Avowed undoubtedly is before Fable. With Starfield and Redfall planned for first half 2023, that could mean Avowed holiday 23, Fable probably a E3 2024 thing. But we just don’t know, because what if any of the bigger ones don’t make it in the first half next year, what happens to something like Avowed? We’ll just have to play the waiting game.

And like 5 years on a mostly iterative sequel. AAA development is crazy.


Ideally next year it won’t feel like a waiting game because you’re going to be playing actual games.

The whole strategy hinges on having a steady release cadence so people don’t feel the need to look 18+ months out.


Yes, there can be plenty wrong. Just the fact that it distracts from the development of the game to build a presentable demo is one thing. The other is that games can change drastically late in development, scope and target render can change. It’s always a risk that you’d be showing something that will be different in the end product.

I started thinking that Japanese developers suck at making mobile games. Some games are amazing but only in japan. Meanwhile, Chinese developers released on China and Global(A year or so), and they are growing and much better than Japanese games.

Sorry but the Japanese Mobile Business is outdated, and too many mobile games shut down. I wish they release it on Global. Too bad they won’t do that.

Last year when we had game after game releasing in the 2nd half I didn’t have much thought for future games really.


I think there’s some new footage in here. Either way, it’s a good trailer!

Vampire: The Clone Wars.

I hope they up the variety on the enemy models a bit.

Trailer is good. The slogan “Bite back” is good. If only the game look next gen, that would be great.

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