Xbox Game Studios |OT9| How many games would a game studio make if a game studio could make games?

I just wanna see some Xbox Game Pass originals that are comfy titles i can beat in 10 hours. I’m open to studios that can make games like It Takes Two and Control.


Obsidian and Double Fine will be pumping out games like this IMO. Plus some studios from Activision.

I think most would agree with this, there are too many 100 hour games and the 10 hour games tend to be lower quality because they’re more indie games, though there are some great 10 hour indie games for sure.

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Honestly that was supposed to be low-key and only aimed at certain aspects of some games not all of them. I love some games dearly that I think also have those aspects where I think the developers value imitating movies too much, and giving the story and presentation too much priority that it interrupt the gameplay, which I don’t appreciate a lot of the time.

And if anyone thought it’s aimed at some Sony games/devs, well some, but it’s actually more aimed at games like RDR2 and Hellblade :booty:

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Yeah it’s something I like in strives. Sometimes I want that, other times I don’t.

I can put up with it if I’m invested in the story and characters, which rarely happens these days :upside_down_face:

I think one of the biggest writing mistakes a lot of developers make is having a bunch of characters instead of a small handful. I’d rather have 4-7 characters total that are really well written over 30 that mostly have meh writing.

Gears of War Hivebusters was great


Saw 100 new posts and thought there might have been something juicy. Yall need to go play some games


I play something for like 10 minutes and then get back to post on here :smiling_face_with_tear: can’t help it, might request a ban ngl

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I just phone post

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Last I checked this was the XGS First-Party thread, and discussion about sales of Sony games isn’t part of that topic. Furthermore, console warring and list-wars, even thinly-veiled bad-faith comparisons, don’t have a place on this forum.

Xbox is succeeding just fine without copying Sony, and using metrics that define success for one platform when the other gauges success differently (Game Pass, for example) definitely fits in the latter category.


This used to be my problem with the aquisition thread. O would see 200 new posts and get really excited and then it was just people having the same arguements .

Over and over


It’s a valid complaint IMO as it’s the one thing in Xbox’s catalog that is lacking atm. But hey, maybe down the road someone wants to make a third-person action adventure game. I certainly won’t say no

Like Indiana Jones. Or is that a first-person?

We don’t know yet, I think it would work better as third person rather than first though

If you haven’t played it already you try A Plague Tale, I have said it many times on the forum but it’s the best ‘Naughty Dog’ game never made by Naughty Dog.

Obviously Hellblade is in the same realm too.


I got halfway through on PC game pass and I was loving it, maybe I’ll restart it on series s. I still think these middle of the road budget games that sit in between indie and AAA can fill a big gap of space in between the massive properties like Starfield and Elder Scrolls. They play almost the same as the big franchises except they can release on a much higher frequent basis.

Writing and acting can also be great on double A titles, just look at Hellblade, Psychonauts 2 and Control.


People just having a good time :fire:

So stop mentioning Sony in the XGS thread on an Xbox forum? There are literally threads for Playstation discussion.