Xbox Game Studios |OT9| How many games would a game studio make if a game studio could make games?

What does this mean?

Sounds personal.

Yeah, I’m not sure what to make of this. I hope everything’s ok.

damn we need this on XBOX now

Pretty sure that’s nothing lol

Lol, PC hardware is leaving the consoles in the dust. The 4090 is 83TFlops


The card alone is over 3 times the price of the premium consoles on the market

It damn well better be making consoles look bad at the price point


That isn’t the point. Of course it should for its price. But the post was “we need this on Xbox” when the card producing those results is 83TFlops (among all the other features beyond straight rendering power). Its not going to happen.

The consoles are a phenomenal deal for their specs, but expecting this sort of stuff out of them is setting yourself up for disappointment.


That’s the problem if you’re a dev, any tweet and people will think it’s something.

But I get it though, people are always interested about the context.

there are no new games ti be hyped for these cards either way. they showed again cyberpunk lol


I’m really wondering what Relic and World’edge are working on beside the AOMde and the console version of AOE4. If i remember well, Klobrille spoke about multiple projects.

Mayb a new game set in the ancient times? A Remake? The definitive edition of the first game has been the worst due the difficultà with the graphic engine.

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Age of Mythology remaster (I think Jez already talked about this) and also I remember there was something like transmedia projects in their LinkedIn.

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Most likely Age of Mythology

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So I know Crackdown is a bit of a sore subject, as some of us absolutely love the franchise and enjoyed the third game, and some didn’t. But I was thinking, what about doing something completely different for a new game? What if they turn it over to a partner in Japan and made a jrpg in the Crackdown world? I think it could be pretty interesting to see what someone else came up with for ideas, and the world is already a bit over the top, so I’d go for something like that.

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The IP doesn’t really hold any weight anymore

They are better off just going to Japan and saying they’ll fund whatever they want to make rather than trying to get them to make something in a world that nobody really cares about anymore

Transmedia projects? Do you mean TV series, movies?

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BGS Austin and Inon Zur did a great job with The Pitt.

I think they worked out a good formula for a Live-Service game, works well both as Single-player story content and Multiplayer repeteable content with randomized objectives. And if I recall correctly they said that future content should arrive at a faster pace now that they have their new “Quest Module System” ready.


Based on the last NPD, Skyrim performance in 2022 (ranked by dollar sales):

  • April: #34
  • May: #20
  • July: #24
  • August: #19

I would like to know how many players the game has reached at this point. Must be close to 60 million, maybe more, if I had to guess.

And this is why BGS should take all their time with Starfield. It has the potential to be another game that will last decades.


It would be interesting seeing it in a JRPG format. I just recently started watching Cyperpunk Edgerunners and I think it would be cool to see a Crackdown revival be done more of a Cyberpunk format/environment. Or they could do something like Jet Set Radio meets Crackdown.

I do think it will be unlikely it will happen in a JRPG format so I think another way Crackdown could get rebooted is if Activision decides to revive the Prototype series or if Microsoft does acquire Avalanche studios in the future. I think that if Activision revives Prototype and it turns out to be successful I could see Microsoft allowing them to also revive the Crackdown series in the future.

And with Avalanche if Microsoft does acquire them I could see Avalanche reboot Crackdown as their own version of GTA or Just Cause.

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If they re-release it a thousand times for sure it will, lol.

Todd Howard: 'If You Want Us to Stop Releasing Skyrim Ports, Stop Buying Them"

If this can last decades, they won’t be in any hurry to come with a sequel. And honestly, after Starfield we will first get TES VI anyway and then it’s finally time for Fallout 5. Which is ages away, damn. We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.

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