Xbox Game Studios |OT8| Leaving The Drought Behind And Heading For Starfield

Hell, put Hal’s Outfit on the The Chicken Chaser Collection cover and let’s get really meta here.

I don’t think so, no. FPS Boost + 4K only profits players on Xbox Series X. It’s not about the console though, it’s about the collection itself, and having this unified experience where the players are in the same pool and everyone else can enjoy a remade Gears 2 + 3 – hell, give me, please!

Ultimately, this discussion won’t lead to anything. I think there is a great opportunity with a “Fenix Collection”, in particular when I think about it as a UE5 playground for The Coalition. You seem to think that is not the case – and that is perfectly fine as well. The Coalition should create what they think is the best for the team and the franchise, not what I or anyone else thinks.

Btw. I would take Banjo-Redooie as well :smiley:


I still don’t know what’s the problem with that. People come up with wired “rules” that MS follows with game shows or acquisitions with no evidence.


Squirrel, you and I both know that The Chicken Chaser Collection is the only right answer.

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Its Hindle


Listen I wouldn’t object to this :joy:

Still think Gears Games look particularly good and play great that It doesnt need any sort of collection but xbox is bound to have so many more projects that eh I don’t even care if 1 isnt what I need.

I just hope That this isnt Coalition’s side project PLEASE.

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Naughty Dog is remaking TLOU to learn about PS5 so…

No they’re not. They’re remaking TLOU because Sony wants that.

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Nah, that’s not “a small side project to learn UE5” by any stretch of imaginstion imo.

I imagine it would be outsourced.

Sssshhhhhh. You’ll give away the secret.

Didn’t Asobo remaster a bunch of Kinect games without Kinect controls for X1?

Maybe Asobo is working on removing Kinect controls from Fable The Journey?

Thats not how that worked out tbh lol. Its just gonna end up that way

Gonna be crazy when the Chief ends up in Overwatch

That rumored XBox MOBA that Jez talked about just either got delayed by like 18 months or just got a shitload of new seasonal DLC content. lol.

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Overwatch spinoff that is an Xbox mascot hero shooter

But Real Talk:

What are the chances that Bethesda - Xbox - Activision Blizzard start sharing IPs across company lines?

We have Sledgehammer guy saying he wants to work on Doom, the Arkane guy saying he wants to work on Shadowrun, and we’ve been vocal about giving Obisidian Fallout.

When do they start reaching across the table and share? Will Acti-Blizz studios work on a Bethesda or Xbox IP if they want to? Could TfB make Banjo?

Could Arkane make Shadowrun? Could Coalition work on Starcraft Ghost?

I think this is pretty much the point of what all these acquisitions are about, isn’t it? You are right. Not every project Xbox will put out will “move the needle”. Not every game will be big, or important, or be for everyone. But isn’t exactly this the beauty of having 35+++ studios? There are so many teams working on so many different things, they can easily cater to smaller or mid-sized communities while still having those blockbuster games as well.

It reminds me of my very personal situation with Hellblade II. I appreciate what this team is doing and I’ll 100% play through the game, I see they are putting everything they can into this project, it looks phenomenal, but at the end of the day, the genre is just not for me, and something like Redfall excites me, personally, much more. And … That’s totally fine. I still appreciate Hellblade II and know this line-up needs titles like these. There is enough content coming for different audiences, even if it took Xbox quite a few years to get to this point, but that was to be expected.