Xbox Game Studios |OT7| Killer News Here!?

Not really. The only similarity is you can only build on certain pre determined locations, but you don’t actually do any building yourself. Each location comes with a certain number of slots and then you pick what you want to build on those slots (medical, garden, kitchen, beds etc) and whatever you pick will build itself over time.

Best Games of the Year - Bloomberg (Alphabetical Order)

Bravely Default 2


The Forgotten City

The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles

The House in Fata Morgana

Metroid Dread

Outer Wilds: Echoes of the Eye


Psychonauts 2

Tales of Arise

SoD2 was good but its painfully obvious how constrained they were by budget

For SoD3 to really take off it needs:

  • A much bigger story & character focus, you need to have a story and interesting characters if you want people to feel the impact of their decisions! Youre never given a reason to care about anything in SoD2

  • A better introduction to building/mechanics, starting SoD2 is so ridicuously overwhelming with all the buildings/items and character trait stuff they throw at you that I can easily see many new players simply bouncing off the game quick

  • If they want to continue the whole building aspects I think they should go deeper and let you build things however you want/wherever you want

  • Way bigger differences in characters, I want playable characters to feel massively different to each other, some characters should be stupid strong but very slow, for some to be amazing at melee combat but terrible at shooting, for some to be really good at building but terrible at fighting in general

  • In SoD2 some have abilities you cant get from others but gameplay wise, they are all basically the same, they need to be so good/bad at things that you need to play them in a specific way instead of playing every character the same when you go out exploring

  • Actual world building and decent side quests, give me a world that makes you want to explore for more than just supplies

  • Let me come across a dying man requesting a last wish that I can either help for a reward or waste him and take all his stuff on the spot or find a treasure map someone has left behind that, like those treasure maps in Skyrim

There’s a lot more but thats just off the top of my head, this series has a massive amount of potential but it needs a proper budget to make it into the big breakout hit it can be

(this ain’t dig at anyone here just having a daily dose of ranting about PODCAST TWO and their educated stances at times)

Good Podcast but Jez always comes off like a whiney entitled plebian.

A lot of his points about the xbox PC app are some what warranted and proven to cause a number of users issues but I personally have had no severe problems on either my laptop or aging 8+ year old pc so it does come off as an overreation at times from my perspective.

But dude come on, moaning about how “amazing” sony’s PC efforts are cos of DLSS support and how microsoft should strive to match is a bit of a joke right?

So MS should release games on what ever launcher takes their fancy with exclusivity periods,3 to 4 years later than the console versions cus fuck the 3rd world PC crowd right, they can wait for their versions like the lesser group they are, charge more for those ports and ensure they have no communication with the console versions.

Thats IF the games get ported in the 1st place as well so no guaruentee either :man_shrugging: But don’t worry cos they got DLSS support.

Such a ground breaking PC initative that all should strive to match.

Jez is on some bullshit sometimes for sure. Like he literally said he wishes Sony gets GTA and that’s it’d be interesting and not that big of a deal against Xbox. LoL

Im glad Jez writes his articles because people at xbox notice. Phil even acknowledged the last one. Iv reached out to him before about concerns and I reached out to the iron lords the day before Jason Ronald was on and was like please please ask about achievments. If we don’t complain and voice our concerns no matter how petty we get 120 a year xbox live gold and $10 game upgrades

What was it about?

Jez wrote an article with saying xbox was off to a good start but needed to work out things and he gave examples like achievements, DVR, Dashboard I think and some more. I forgot what the article was called

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Here it is

Like i Get DLSS is great feature to support but it only helps a small subset of the PC crowd right now, namely those on (I think) 2k+ Nvidia cards. AMD builders don’t really benefit, neither do those on older Nvidia cards like myself (980).

It’s like supporting VRR, HDR for people with newer TV’s, nice features to have but doesn’t really help 90% of the console gaming population.

He recently asked on Twitter a very similar question and said he has an article coming up about it. Later said he was going to write an article on it, tweet got over 1k comments and is below.

The most repetitive ones I noticed were localization, achievement system, DVR, Quick Resume inconsistency, Streaming ease, lack of Japanese game support, and the Xbox App missing features.

I’ve had no issues with the GamePass PC app on multiple PCs. I am convinced Jez is on a pirated copy of Windows and that’s what is causing all his problems…

Top 10 Video Games - Washington Post

  1. Halo Infinite
  2. Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart
  3. Hitman 3
  4. Monster Hunter Rise
  5. Resident Evil Village
  6. Lost Judgement
  7. No More Heroes 3
  8. F.I.S.T.
  9. Returnal
  10. Eastwart

If I spent 2k+ on a PC I want the games to utilize the capabilities. That means MS should be supporting DLSS, FSR, and Ray Tracing. Hopefully this stuff gets patched in, these games have all come in pretty hot.

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If we are to believe Jeff Grubb this is going to be the E3 where things will really start coming together, all the new studios, projects, etc. I believe he said that while also saying last E3 wouldn’t have tons of new stuff yet.

If no Avowed any sooner than TGA 2022 then Obsidian’s idea of “soon” is out of whack in so many ways. Wasn’t it also a higher up at Obsidian that said it? I mean I get the error if it was just a dev at the studio, but wasn’t it Urquhart that said it?

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I expect it at or before E3

There are way too many people complaining about how shit the PC app is for it not to be shit

I dont use PC so I cant say but people have said its been garbage for years now and thats the problem with PC gaming, just because it works for one person on a pc doesn’t mean it does on another

One of the many reasons I never want to leave consoles for pc

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2022 is going to be fun!


Not a joke MS needs to improve their PC Ports and Support features like DLSS and ray tracing. MS should offer the best version on PC with most features, you get what you pay for.

there is no reason Gears 5 and FH5 don’t have raytracing or DLSS on pc.

I’m not one of those super jaded folks who calls every statement “corporate jargon”, but “soon” in this instance was definitely a throwaway PR line, IMO.