Xbox Game Studios |OT7| Killer News Here!?

I wonder legally how much they could add on to slap on a “Director’s Cut” tag and say “It’s a new game, so we can publish it here!”

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I wonder if it has a timed publishing deal, like Alan Wake. IIRC the rights reverted back to Remedy after 10 years. Maybe we see a similar thing happen with SSOD in 2024 or the like.

Rift Apart featured a shit-ton of Sunset Overdrive references within it.

It would be foolish to think Insomniac isn’t working on something related to it after that

Sony wont let them .


Insomnaic/Sony own the IP and Sony loves nothing more than being pricks, so making a SO:DC / SOII would be right up the alley for “Internet Clicks”

This is partially the reason why Microsoft is pushing hard to own the IPs on XGSP deals.

You don’t want to Global Publish a game, let the studio keep the IP then have them to make a sequel with somebody else.

They learned a hard lesson about IP ownership after SO and Insomniac.

let Insomniac make Sunset Overdrive 2 that sells 1 million copies or let Insomniac to make another Marvel game that sells 10 M at the very least . Very hard choice . There is only 1 company that will choose SO 2 in this situation and thats not Sony .


MS could always put a clause in contracts that make it mandatory for all titles in that IP to launch on Xbox no matter what happens and has to have parity with all other versions.


And 10+ Million Spidey 2 pays for the dev cost of 1+ million SO2.

That’s how it works.

I don’t believe mostly that article about “Sony’s obsession with Blockbuster games” just because not everything Sony’s gonna make is gonna be a AAA blockbuster.


I doubt Sony cares that Ratchet did 3m as long as Spidey did 10m lol.


Who gives a shit if a studio does a single game that moves a partly number of copies when you have two 10+ million copy games on the stove ready to go.

idk what article you talking about .

I think Boomberg put out a article sometime last year earlier this year about Bend studio and leaked the TLOU remake to tie in with the show.

It painted Sony as obsessed only obsessed with games that sell 5+ million copies and are a treated as “Head Turning Blockbusters”

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3m sales of a $70 game on a console with 10m people is really fucking good tho .

Well boomberg and I think alike then :phil_lmao:

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Ultimately, Sony is going to want to keep their studios happy and if that means allowing them to work on a passion project alongside their block buster then I think that’ll happen.

What ain’t gonna happen is Days Gone, lol

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Are we still in the subject ?


It’s an interesting discussion on the two different approaches this generation between the two companies.

Can’t wait to play Days Gone 2!

:sob: If Only :sob:

I think it would pertain more in the Community thread.