Updated some of the info and fixed a couple of spelling errors I didn’t notice previously.
Updated Coalition, 343, Arkane
Updated some of the info and fixed a couple of spelling errors I didn’t notice previously.
Updated Coalition, 343, Arkane
Gotcha. Basically keeping what makes Double Fine Double Fine intact.
Yeah I don’t know where some users’ heads are at when they’re clearly being revisionist with how Sony gets away with showing projects years in advance, often with CG or bullshot gameplay sections that get mildly to severely downgraded (even Ratchet looks considerably different from the reveals to footage today). Also, this whole “Sony can do no wrong narrative” in terms of quality whilst they have had nary more than a five point average delta over the past eight years compared to Xbox on the almighty Metacritic. Like come in guys, you can appreciate both without being revisionist.
As far as Xbox E3’s concerned, I’m sure it’s going to be like every other year where there’s a new goalpost to complain about. I think it was 2018 when, after the previous year of complaints about content, it was game after game (much with straight gameplay), and people still complained about it. It’s a never ending cycle where they adapt to feedback from the previous year and there’s still a bitch fest. Unless it absolutely sucks and COVID has completely skewds all near roadmaps, I’m going to be happy to just be getting an E3 with some announcements after the past year where economies, industries, and populations have been shattered.
I have no problem with CG for initial reveal either and i find it odd that people complain about the industry’s secrecy and not having roadmaps like Marvel. CG trailers are exactly that: they allow devs to announce a game and give a brief synopsis of setting, characters, etc before a game is ready to be seen because it’s still in pre-production or whatever the case may be. You can’t have it both ways by complaining about not having a promise of what’s to come and then bitch about CG trailers.
Edit: Or would some of you lot prefer lame ass title cards like we got with God of War and Metroid Prime 4? At least the Xbox studios put some effing effort in.
it’s going to be mid show because for what ever reason they decided to held back some content because oh no people won’t able to play our years away games in 2021/2022
what it’s funny not single next gen showcase for XSX in near sight or in 2022.
I agree. It’s only a problem for me if they show another CG trailer for a game after an initial CG trailer for that same game. Otherwise from that, I’m fine with CG trailers because now I at least know what to expect in terms of settings, tone, etc., just like you said. It’s better than not knowing anything imo, even if it’s a long wait.
You are basing this on a rumor. People were genuinely complaining about them revealing games that are years away. And now people are going to be complaining about not showing those games.
nah people complained because of cgi fest, at that show Halo dropped the towel then the whole show fell to it’s knees if it was next gen showcase it will be different story.
there is nothing wrong with cgi for first reveals but if it was 90% of the show then is your problem that needs to be fixed
It was a CGI fest because all of their games were years away, it’s hard to show gameplay for a game that’s years away. They wanted to show off their lineup of upcoming games, which is exactly what they did.
I loved 2018 E3 from Xbox showed great games and commitement to gaming with the studios they bought
No shit, So you are saying MS old habit strike again ? wow mildly shocked i mean what do you expect people to understand ? it’s advertising show if you can’t probably advertise your games probably then cancel big shows it’s waste of money and time.
Forza horizon 5, starfield, forza motorsports, wolfenstien 3 possibly, omen possibly, avowed possibly.
What are you talking about. Anyone of the above games could be a showcase. The last few forza horizon games have been a graphical showcase. Why would that change now. Some of the recent leaked images for starfield look gorgeous and those are years old. Wolfenstien 2 is showcase on last gen, so why not 3. Even halo infinite will easily be a technical showpiece.
Just because most of those will be on last gen doesn’t mean they won’t be a showpiece. Both Xbox one and series x use x86. Things scale.
nah not singe next gen only games you know what i’m talking about so do don’t tell it will be better on XSX HA! even xbo gen had showcase from get go
Well, what else were they going to show? Pretty much all their games were beyond 2021, for those they had no choice but to show CGI. The games that were 2021 and earlier did get gameplay. It accomplished the goal of showing consumers that they have a lot of games in the pipeline. We got glimpses on many of the projects XGS is working on now thanks to the July show, even if they are still quite far away. It really wasn’t a waste.
Idk what your even saying here. Starfield, wolfenstien 3, forza motorsports, avowed, and omen could all be next gen only.
Forza Motorsport is next-gen only. And don’t bring up that rumor about an Xbox One version, because it’s only a rumor. For all we know, it’s next-gen only. And Avowed is definitely next-gen only. Hellblade II exists. Hell, even MFS is next-gen only.
We need to have a collective agreement to stop responding to these types of posts lol
if it’s 2022 then are designed for last gen especially Bethesda when they had bad financial problem and i don’t think they willing to sacrifice last gen numbers 50 vs 5 for new consoles (xbox only )