Xbox Game Studios |OT5| DOOM posting not allowed. Except for posting about DOOM

Yeah that thread needs to be pinned for this month at very least, else every thread it going to get flooded by the same topic.

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When did it pass up the RROD? Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. It was a long weekend.

Maybe they should start transitioning to having other IPs start doing some of the work? Like the non traditional IPs, like Doom and Fallout. Or is that “too soon” and just cause meltdowns?

It might be easier if they had a mascot-like character they could put into short little techdemo mini games and release for free. This way they can show off goodies without having to wait 3+ years for development.

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This assumes Obsidian doesnt have like 5 projects in house already and that they are just lingering around for Fallout scraps.

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I am with Hindle in hoping a new Fallout is sooner rather than later, later in like after TES VI, but I’m not so sure it will happen. Didn’t BGS a while ago say they would be the only ones making Fallout games? Something to that effect. At the same time it’s such a huge, guaranteed money making IP…would Xbox truly let it lie for years? Because let’s say TES VI is 2025, will it be 2027 or 2028 for a proper new SP Fallout?

I suggest we wait and judge in a year, I think we both having differing thoughts and will not agree so we should move on and revisit :+1:

What if Avowed is a hit tho and Obsidian wants to make a sequel to it

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Just love how everyone thinks Obsidian is dying to not make their own stuff finally after years of not having enough resources.


We should shelve the Fallout topic until there is additional information. Its wild to keep having this conversation with zero new information, rumors or leaks.


but where is the fun in that

video game thumbs up GIF by Bethesda

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Me when I wake up and check XboxEra

Announcing Bill Murray GIF


This is me everyday. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Not even close. The most popular Xbox IP has over 100 million MAU. Now that i call popularity.


Halo WAS. Its not anymore for better or worse.

It still does hold weight and prestige tho after all these years which is great to see tho.

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Grubb talked a bit more about Avowed earlier…

Despite the fact he has been told that it won’t be at E3, plans can change, that’s why it’s called the summer game mess. lol

He agrees with Sponger that it’s in excellent shape and on schedule, with Obsidian being very confident in juggling multiple projects.



“people seem to be pretty certain that Avowed is going to be at E3. I’m still in the camp where…i heard it’s not going to be. That doesn’t mean for sure it won’t be. Things do change, it is called Game Mess for a reason.”

So long story short, it could have changed, but he’s sticking with nope. Says he thinks it’s all absolutely true that Avowed is on schedule, Obsidian is on top of their game right now. They know what they’re doing.


Oh snap. Great minds think alike eh :wink:

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If I was Phil I would throw infinite $ at obsidian. Help them expand and work faster on different projects while keeping the quality. That studio is where money should go and not 343.

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ALL studios will receive a hefty amount of money for growth I’m sure.

343i included, but they’ll receive a major shake up in management and less money than before too.