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Pod gets it

Weā€™ll have to wait to see, but Iā€™m confident in my opinion on this which is Fallout will be in development within the next 12 months at either Bethesda with a large hiring spree or at another internal studio.


Look at this wonderful thing. :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

ā€œteaserā€ of nextgen version of DOOM Eternal. :heart:


Looks like Grubb again doesnā€™t know anything and heā€™s just guessing based also on that what Klobrille was writing.


Halo is a big franchise for Xbox but itā€™s time to put it on a second place. At this point nobody is coming to Xbox for halo. Either youā€™re a fan or youā€™re not. Halo and gears shouldnā€™t be the main focus anymore for Xbox. Having another year with just one big game that happens to be halo is just lame and keeps adding to the never ending meme of gears-forza-halo. Hopefully they can add some big day one third party to gamepass if Starfield is indeed 2022

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thats why they acquired several studios and a publisher. :wink:

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Honestly, if what Grubb is saying is true, and what is shown will likely disappoint people beyond the core, donā€™t open or close the show with Halo. Please.

Set the tone with a showcase game, preferably something new like Avowed or Omen, and close the night off with Starfield. Halo will impress who it impresses, but donā€™t give people the opportunity to click off the show because they think itā€™s just ā€œHalo againā€ or leave let down.

Mind you, Iā€™m glad Halo is doing this. Itā€™s time to stop chasing trends and just become something it always should be: a damn great Halo game. But if you are for lack of a better phrase preaching to the choir here, Iā€™d put it in the middle.


Why would another studio not named Bethesda work on Fallout. That goes against what everything Xbox has done over the past 3 years.

Again they have like 7 rpgā€™s in development. There is ZERO need to fast track a fallout.

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Also an important thing to note is we do not want Microsoft to rush Fallout or put another team on it because it will go against current philosophy. Also you have to think long term and Microsoft forcing Fallout or putting another studio on it might make certain devs hesitant in joining Microsoft. I believe the reason why we got a lot of studios jumping ship to Microsoft was due to hands off promise and allowing them the free reigns to release games such as grounded and bleeding edge.

Microsoft needs to show campaign with another ~5-7 gameplay trailer, a bit of multiplayer with invite to beta and 343 Industries should show us comparison screenshot or short videos between new build and that shit what they showed in July on Halo Waypoint after the Showcase.

This. If Halo isnā€™t something to stun and wow the mainstream, donā€™t open/close the show with it. Itā€™s no longer that game. Saying things like ā€œIt plays like Haloā€ gives me total Crackdown 4 vibes. Halo has lost itā€™s contemporary lustre/relevance to that mainstream. But thatā€™s because the mainstream has moved on. The games that open/close shows should be those that appeal to those wanting the most cutting edge/relevant software. If it was just based on quality, MS should probably just open with Solitaire. Itā€™s got a massive and loyal player base, after all.

I would put whatever games have the most impressive visuals on first (excluding Forza/flight sim), then follow up with Halo. Then close with Starfield.

Particularly considering Fallout is in need of some major retooling before they release another game.

Because @Hindle seems to be obsessed about Fallout and thatā€™s why there was that whole discussion.

Would you kindly discuss E3 stuff in the E3 thread? That thread is looking neglected. :frowning_face:


First off, thereā€™s billions of reasons :joy: Second off you completely ignore the whole portion where they may actually just hire the resources Bethesda needs to do it themselves.

Aside from that thereā€™s already a history with that happening and for ZeniMax/Bethesda farming out an IP. Thereā€™s the even greater demand for gamepass it generates. It can help drive the IP value even higher, having it sit on the shelf actually is detrimental to the value of the IP. It gives fans what theyā€™re asking for. Microsoft just paid billions and is desperately looking for massive IP so I contend when they have one, especially one they just paid huge money for, they wonā€™t let it just sit on the shelf.


Agree butā€¦ Halo is the most popular Xbox IP yet. :man_shrugging:

Also weā€™re talking about giving the next Fallout to Obsidian, as if theyā€™re just sitting around, waiting for something to do


That thread should be pinned for now.


Said the same in that thread itself

It sits too far down the forum list and gets mostly ignored for that. Even though itā€™s specificaly about the most dominant subject on the site for a while. Anticipating E3. Which will continue to be dominating the overall conversation until the 13th

I know there are a lot of pinned threads already, but that one deserves to be one regardless


If Avowed is a 2022 release then it makes sense to get Fallout next in pre dev with them.