Xbox Game Studios |OT4| This is for Studio talk. Studios. It's the Studios OT. Studio talk here (Part 1)

For the sake of it I will leave it as that.

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“First or better on gamepass” simply isnt good enough.


Here :slightly_smiling_face: :point_down:

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Well, away from the doom posting and general chatter for expected news in 30 minutes time, It is now 23 first party studios for Xbox.

It is nice to know now that regardless of the exclusive discussion, we have more content coming to Xbox.


I can’t lie, I think I would have a good laugh if Microsoft did spend $7.5 billion to have exclusive horse armour for ES6.


It’s totally ridiculous and wouldn’t make any sense. What happened to the “we want a full Xbox ecosystem on those platforms”?

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Edit: wrong thread, deleted

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Thursday???1 That’s a whole 3 days from now! Phil get your house in order! :rage:


It takes time to send the check, sign the contracts.

I imagine this is what Aaron Greenburg has been doing since last week.

Cool, 3 days more DOOMposting. This is fine.

I fully expect the decision on exclusivity and what games to be leaked out by one Jason Schrier before Thursday. Probably Wednesday night but maybe as early as tomorrow.

It’s too big a scoop for him to not be fishing for it.

Imagine being the reporter who had the inside scoop of the 100,000 dollar question.


Regardless of exclusivity:

I mean, holy shit, look at it. I MEAN LOOK AT IT.

In basically 3-to-4 years (tail end 2017 to now)


This is a thing I would not be upset if Jason spoilers the fuck out of it!

That’s how I wished it was presented.

Not this “Bethesda does it own thing, we can’t hire another guy to help out managing studios.”

For once I agree lol

we need about 12 studios to fill the picture


This is the part so man people misunderstand; a key strength of gamepass is that most video game users don’t actually buy that many games, making a cheap subscription more profitable over the year. Combine that with added engagement from users leading to adjacent purchases and the ability to support more varied games through consistent cash flows and you’ve got the future of gaming.

MSFT isn’t going to miss the biggest opportunity they’ll have to move more users onto that service.