Look if COD would leave spiltscreen out of the game I can assure you it will lead to a big shitstorm. Halo is known for it uncompromising Coop experience.
A sequel to a game has the unfortunate handicap to contain more or the same amount of content. Leaving splitscreen out of Halo Infinite would create a shitstorm 100% and therefore bad pr for xbox and it’s biggest franchise.
If compromise are needed for splitscreen so be it. Halo can NOT launch without it. That’s the legacy Halo/Gears/COD have to deal with.
Battlefield never had splitscreen so normally nobody would expect it, Halo does.
I understand what you are saying, I just don’t agree with the necessity of old functions born out of limitations of olden days to be included in modern games if it impacts the overall quality of the game.
Halo in co-op would still be there.
Look, this is my personal opinion and I’m not arguing anyone is wrong but to me splitscreen is awful in any way.
Well I love splitscreen but my point was coming from a business perspective why some games "have"to have a certain feature unless the game completely changes the way the game works (God of War for example)
Im sure removing splitscreen co-op has to do with not enough people using it, the existence of online gaming and resource allocation. Plus Dev’s probably know how much % of their game is played locally vs online.
Long gone are the days where the only way to play with friends was by coming over. Some games keep it and its fine but its by now a remnant of an old era.
I’m pretty sure I know what the spin off game is. I think it is a crimson skies game by bizarre creations. The CEO of bizarre creations said they had talked to microsoft about licensing some of his old ips (he was the one who did crimson skies, among others) in roughly 2017 ish I think. So it would be a good possibility.
I would really like a new crimson skies, so fingers crossed!
I have a feeling the wild reaction to the loss of Halo’s split screen was more about using it as ammo to discredit the game by detractors rather than the actual loss of the feature from people that used it.
I wouldn’t be surprised if one of those linear main line missions is invading a banished ship much like in halo 1 yea im betting its open world ish but the main line ones are like your typical halo missions we already know that the mission structure is completely different to traditional halo
Just wanna put it out there that people are sleeping on The Gunk. The Steamworld devs are like Housemarque where they simply don’t make bad games and this seems like their biggest project yet.
Edit: Sorry that it’s not XGS but saw people discussing it above.