Xbox Game Studios |OT4| This is for Studio talk. Studios. It's the Studios OT. Studio talk here (Part 1)

Except Obsidian’s IP is Outer Worlds …

Doesn’t matter. Xbox owns Obsidian, Xbox will own Fallout. They will make the two kiss.

I wanna see what they can actually do with Outer Worlds on full budget rather than a fallout spinoff


Outer World was fine when we thought the chances of another Obsidian Fallout were zero.

It was fine wanna-be Fallout. Now we can have the real thing.

The Outer Worlds is the “We Have Food at Home” response to when you ask your Mom for McDonalds.


While I have yet to play ToW


For me, Fallout is first an Obsidian / InXile IP.

Those are the ones from the ashes of Black Isles.

Bethesda never trully succeed to make a great Fallout game, Obsidian nailed it with a rushed spin off which is now one of the highest rated RPG of all time with the same tools and the same game system.

Obsidian understand Fallout because it’s their boy, Bethesda make a The Elder Scrolls conversion of it, and it’s fine, fun and great in a way, but has little to do with Fallout.

Me: Can we have

Mom: No we have Fallout New Vegas 2 at home.

The Fallout New Vegas 2 at home:


The Outer Worlds is good.

Fallout New Vegas is a legend.

Not in the same league, very true.


Yep, I liked TOW but the sillyness was a bit forced and repetitive. In Fallout that comes more natural for some reason, perhaps because we are more used to the setting.

Not much beats a new Fallout game. But a Fallout game from Obsidian? Oh boy

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We’ll have Fallout remasters or remakes by 2024.

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Fallout 3 is better than New Vegas so we can throw this out there for chaos.

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I thought outer worlds was a solid game, and I had a ton of fun. However when playing it, it did make me say “imagine what Obsidian could’ve done if they had a bigger budget”. Also I liked the themes the game touched on and story was interesting. I think there is room for Outer Worlds 2, and it could satisfy our hunger until a new fallout is released.



Bethesda Austin are our only hope of seeing Fallout 5 before 2030, I think.



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Correct unless Inxile comes in and makes one out of nowhere.

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But the real answer is this:

Obsidian should make an X-Men RPG where you’re a young mutant (Design your look, gender, powers) who just recently awoken to their powers. As you struggle in a world that fears and hates you, you’re torn between fighting for the forces of good and the need to protect people (Xavier) or destroy those who hate you and seize mutant destiny (Magneto)

Your choices determine your fate and fate of both mankind and mutant kind as a highly-powerful Omega level mutant. Will you embrace your humanity and keep the peace for the good of human-and-mutant kind? Or will you will destroy those who oppress you for being different? For the very crime of being who you are?

Along the way team up with both iconic X-Men characters, and other iconic Marvel characters as you hack, slash and blast you’re way across iconic Marvel locations such as the X-Men mansion, Avengers Mansion, New York City, Hell’s Kitchen, Genosha and more!

  • Your powers, your choice. Will you save or destroy?
  • Meet dozens of iconic Marvel characters across the X-Men and Avengers franchise as you embark on your journey to discover your powers and what they mean to the world.
  • Battle iconic villains such as Mojo, Sententials, The Hellfire Club and more!
  • Every choice a consequence. Shape your self and your world.
  • Unlock an ever evolving tree of powers across different playstyles as you play!
  • Romance either brand new characters or iconic Marvel heroes as you determine if you deserve love… or hatred.

Eventually you would have several choices that would end up as:

  • Worst ending: You assume the role as Mutant Overlord, destroying humanity and rebuilding the world for mutants… under your despotic regime.
  • Villain Ending: You don’t destroy the world, but you realize that humankind will never accept you for who you are. You know serve the Brotherhood of Mutants as Magneto’s right-hand mutant.
  • Neutral Ending: You want neither. You exile yourself into the wilderness, hiding away from the good and evil of the world, just to exist.
  • Goodish Ending: Welcome to the X-Men. You will work together with Charles to show the world that Mutants aren’t meant to be feared.
  • Mutant Equality Ending: You’re outstanding deeds and choices have lead to more progressive laws for mutant acceptance. As both a representative of Mutant Kind and the X-Men you will work together to make the world a better place for both man and mutant.


I agree with this I enjoyed Fallout 3 more then New Vegas


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