Xbox Game Studios |OT4| This is for Studio talk. Studios. It's the Studios OT. Studio talk here (Part 1)

Thanks, going to look into it.

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example: Miles Morales has RT with 60fps on less powerful hardware than the Series X. 343 has access to the best technologies than other studios and more etc. i think they can. they gained an extra year of development. dont get me wrong :pray: but, for me, it would be very inconsistent not to have DXR or XVA and VRS at launch.


I think we should stop latching on to stuff like SFS and VRS and just let the developers do their thing. Those are basically marketing terms for technologies that will be used to gain efficiency.

You shouldn’t care whether a game is using SFS or VRS as long as the resulting game looks good and performs well. Hopefully the teams will use the technologies required to fulfill their visijy.

As the generation goes on, developers will use these types of features more and get better at doing it. That is part of the part of the normal progression of things and one lf the reason gamea look better later in the gen than they do in the beginning.


People just want the next gen looker on Xbox.


Hopefully we see one at E3, probably be Hellblade 2 or Forza Motorsport that pulls off that real next gen look.

I hope it won’t be CGI

We should care if the console we bought is being used to it’s full potential, they told me about it in multiple instances that these features are better for a reason, I want to see it.


It is not being used to its full potential and you won’t even know whether these features are being used or not. Games get better over the generation for a reason.

I understand we’re eager to see true next game but the proof is going to be in the visuals, not a check list of marketing terms.

We will know if these features are being used, someone always ask about it. You know why? Because MS made a point about it numerous times, if this kind of thing just falls into the void, it’ll hurt Microsoft, people will start asking “about that full RDNA2 you couldn’t shut up about”, they promised real performance and gaming changing features and we WILL certainly know about it, just like VRS 2.0 in Gears 5.



Features like VRS and SFS are effectively invisible. Their goal is to achieve an indistinguishable result with less resources. This allows this them to use those ressources elsewhere, which is a good thing allowing for overall better graphics.

As long as the games look good and perform well (which these features help) nothing is going to hurt Microsoft.

I’m not saying they shouldn’t use these features, thry absolutely should. But the focus on thr check list as opposed (when they are just some of the many tools available to developers) sets up unnecessary expectations.

If a game is unveiled and looks great but doesn’t use VRS are you really going to be disappointed?

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The point is, we should know if those features are being used for the betterment of their first-party games because that’s what was promised, and that’s what I’m expecting from then.

Effectively we won’t see the effects in game, but we’ll know that a game runs better and bigger because of it.

I’ll take absolutely solid performance and more interactivity in games over little bells-and-whistles graphical terms any day. I love a game that looks stunning such as Gears 5 or Demon’s Souls, but always prefer something that just works well or is doing things I’ve never done in a game before (or expanding greatly on other ideas). Art direction is really overlooked, a game like Zelda Wind Waker, or even further back Yoshi’s Island, are still some of the best looking games ever in my opinion and I don’t recall them having a bunch of acronyms attached to them graphically :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Coming full circle, the reason I asked this question wasn’t because of a tick-box list of buzzwords I want to happen, it is my hope that using these tools we’ll get the full package. Currently there is 30fps with ray tracing, or 60fps without, or 120fps with everything stripped away (Dirt 5 example). I’m really crossing my fingers that if they use all these much-touted tools we’ll get a game where there doesn’t need to be a caveat or asterisk, it is just the best it can be with no qualifications


Oh really? For context Kolbe worked on the game it was his first project in the gaming industry

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I don’t think that will ever happen unfortunately. An increase in frame rate means less time to render, which means you’re sacrificing something.

I am sure we’ll get closer to that as ray tracing solutions become more efficient though. I don’t really have a ton of hope for RT this generation.

Luckily Hellblade 2 and Forza was never shown in CGI :wink:


Apparently looking great and playing great is no longer enough, it must do so while utilizing these techniques that were hyped up and promised. I guess that is what we’re owed.

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Downloading Fallout 76, but I am wondering how good it is for solo play?

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I’ve only played a little bit, but a friend of mine have pretty much maxed out everything playing solo 95% of the time so it should be good.

I miss the VATS though, the version in it is a bit meh.

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