I believe so as well since their Western division has underperformed compared to their Japanese division. If that should continue and bring down SE’s overall profitability, some shareholders may start asking for the Western division to be sold off.
I hope they sell them off to Microsoft. That would be great. I would be very happy. Of course, they would have to acquire the IP’s - Tomb Raider, Deus Ex, Legacy of Kain, Soul Reaver, Thief and Gex.
If they bring back legacy of Kain and Soul Reaver I’d be ever so happy
You could say the same thing about Cyrstal and Eidos
Yeah, the publisher has a nice collection of IP and they would have to come with any purchase. How SE has sat on Soûl Reaver and did nothing with it is beyond me . A quality reboot would sell, that I have no doubt.
The Japanese development studios are much more successful for Square Enix than their Western Studios.
I just dont see them selling them
I prefer Legacy of Kain but I wouldn’t complain if Soul Reaver was brought back.
Just have to wait and see but im hoping.
On the Jez and Rand podcast them both seemed to think Ubisoft back catalogue on gamepass is a certainty this year.
MS wint get another publisher, too much staff. SE Europe would be nice but it’s rare SE or any publisher gives up IP
This isn’t a concern. It may rule out someone like Ubisoft that has an enormous staff but WB, Sega, Paradox, Take Two etc have very reasonable staff counts for what they can bring to the table. I think it’s guranteed they acquire another publisher. They’ll be growing to about 40 studios to support gamepass for the long term.
I believe that Microsoft will only stop acquisitions when they reach 50 total teams. So they have 22 studios which I believe is 35 total teams so once they get to 50, I think they’re done at least for a while anyway.
I doubt they acquire any of those. To sustain I think they get all games from those publishers on XGP day one. As well as contracting JPN publishers for games as well.
I think MS acquire another 4-5 devs that it. People need to realise MS wont acquire every studio
They view gamepass as having potential for many hundreds of millions of subscribers, they’ll feed that beast with exclusives.
to sustain GP to would make more sense to own them cause the games wouldnt leave
And they will but they are not going to buy up the entire industry. Take 2, WB, just wont happen.
They tried with WB. They reportedly just decided not to sell. No reason to write off the possibility though. I do think the most likely are Paradox and Sega, both make a ton of sense (Sega the most) and would be great buys with big growth potential.
wrong thread
They quite clearly wanted to get WB at the same time as Bethesda, if a more favourable deal becomes available they will go for them again
They pursued Bethesda instead.