Xbox Game Studios |OT3| Once more....with feeling (Part 1)

You literally can’t say they need to sell their games on PS to make their money back because they already have without even releasing a single Bethesda game :joy:


More money for Xbox to spend on content. That’s how I see it and it’s pretty great. 50 milions Gamepass suscribers this year, here we go !

Ok, maybe not, but 40 is doable.


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Did you pay for express shipping??

can we checkout with capcom ? :leo:


“Xbox hardware revenue up 86% by console launch”

By console launch, that’s Xbox Series launch? Because that’s crazy impressive, right?

Also recommended Koei Tecmo


Apparently still sold less than XB1 did but that is most likely down to it not being in stock almost 24/7 lol but that number is a bit missleading because console sales almost stalled last year because of the next gen consoles coming.

I mean while we are at it Moon From software and Remedy haha

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Less than Xbox One’s first two months you mean? I hope over the years Xbox Series will turn out to be very successful, along with Game Pass that’s a killer combo.

just awesome!

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I spent all that money on Greymoore and hardly played it.

Damn I need to get back into ESO.

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Yeah in the same time period, but like I said this would be down to them not making enough. Xbox Series will easily out do XB1.

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GP now bringing in steady revenue. “This is the Way”


Oh yes, no doubts about that at all!

Two Bethesdas in a single quarter lol. Just spare change to MS

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I don’t think there is any doubt at this point BGS games will be Xbox Exclusive, they just can’t officially tell us that until the deal finalizes.


Best ever quarter for Xbox, extrapolated to a year this would almost beat PS revenue for a year with almost half the install base on console.

Microsoft’s diversified strategy of Gamepass, console and PC is bringing in a lot of revenue per user. Absolutely no doubt that there more big investment coming into Xbox.


Yep gaming at Microsoft is booming