Xbox Game Studios |OT3| Once more....with feeling (Part 1)

I’ll echo what I said on ResetERA and say InXile.

They’re not the most well known developer, but they’re clearly talented enough to take on a KotOR follow up. Their next game is rumored to be Sci-Fi and have one of the biggest budgets of all the studios. They hired the lead combat designer of God of War—a game primarily about melee combat—which could be a great fit for lightsabers.

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Inexiles new studio is a great shout. I know the main studio is doing the new IP, but I know they created a new studio Somewhere

Mortal Kombat

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They always had two studios. Although they are not separate studios like Arkane and Playground Games. They mostly work on the same project.

Good shout, MS getting Nethherealm makes sense

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Here are my top “Dormant IP’s” I would like to see Microsoft grab. I won’t mention IP’s that are still being used as that would drive up cost immensely and be much harder to pull off.

  • Splinter cell. Ubisoft is waisting this one big time. The last game came out 7.5 years ago and the next one might not even be in development. I think spies vs Mercs has huge potential in the esports, and streaming age we are in. Also Sam fisher is an immensely popular gaming icon.

  • dues ex. Loved the two new games. They are both superior to cyberpunk in my opinion. Great series with top tier lore.

A couple others are turok, Dino crisis and half life. I would say mass effect if the collection wasn’t about to come out.


Shinobi is a dormant IP that has been underused by Sega which would be exciting if Microsoft was to revive it. There was a Nintendo 3DS game in 2011 but you have to go back to 2002 for the last time it was on console. It is an IP most people have heard of even if they have never actually played a Shinobi game.


After that failed attempt to get people into Game Pass I think MS is most likely going to get the picture, they need to make all their games exclusive to the Xbox platform if they want more subs. Exclusive games seems to be the only thing that will work and what everyone seems to care about so MS needs to start to speak that language.

I can actually see Game Pass on PS/Nintendo platforms if MS buys more 3rd party big titles because they won’t want to miss out.

Let’s for example just say, again this will never happen at all but for example MS goes out and buys Take Two then makes GTA 6 exclusive. Do people think Sony won’t cave in to get it on their platform and just allow Game Pass on PS systems. It’s clear to me a large chunk of PS owners don’t want to ever own a Xbox but I think if MS did something like that it would almost force them and then they might like what they see.

Sony doesn’t lose anything by putting Game Pass on their system, it would lock in those who already love PS but might start to like what’s on Xbox. I can easily see people subbing to Game Pass on their PS5 to get the best of both worlds, remember Xbox doesn’t care much about console sales so they would be ok with that.

TLDR; Xbox needs to make all their games exclusive, continue to buy big studios to the point where Sony will have to allow Game Pass on their system because of all the big IP Xbox will own. This is the way forward for MS to get as many Game Pass subs as they can.

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RE KOTOR being developed by InXile, I feel like Sponger on Resetera would have given us a crumb about that. He’s been dropping information about their game ever now and then a none if it was star wars related

If Halo infinite multiplayer really blows up and becomes the most watched/played game on twitch/steam etc. I can see it pushing it a lot of consoles just through fear of missing out, this is one thing multiplayer games excel at.

The Series S can be a perfect console for that $299 and now with free to play, kids asking their parents to let them play halo can easily push sales for MS. There is lot riding on Halo this year, very excited to see how it plays out.


Well, now that they are going to have more than 30 development teams, makes sense to acquire IPs.

Ninja Gaiden, Metal Gear Solid, Captain America… :new_moon_with_face:

I mean… It doesn’t seem like the worst idea in the world.

Xbox & Game Pass could essentially become one & the same thing. The Netflix of gaming. It would save MS a lot of money if they didn’t have to develop new hardware every few years. Gamers everywhere could subscribe & access the whole Xbox library, from any device.

I’ve not thought much about it, but I can’t see any blatantly obvious downsides to that plan.

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PlayStation could kill Xbox as a console if they allowed GamePass on PlayStation. But I don’t see them doing it.


If the playstation boy wants to play the new Halo this year and doesnt have an Xbox or PC, he can subscribe in Xbox Game Pass Ultimate and play on your mobile with Cloud Gaming. :man_shrugging:


yeah, if they do that, that means throwing white flag in the console making business and becoming a third party. If that’s the case I’ll be sad since I have so many games tied to the ecosystem


The Xbox ecosystem already exists outside of the console though. MS have already taken those first steps. People can be “Xbox gamers” without buying an Xbox console, right now, today.

Who knows though? It might never happen. The Series X & S could be very successful & MS could continue in the console making business. They have lately set themselves up in such a way that they could also move in another direction. Time will tell.

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If MS does get out of console making I will stop supporting them

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If Game Pass was on Sony or Nintendo platforms it would be via streaming, not running natively.

Microsoft will want to maintain all of the ecosystem benefits, micro transactions etc. Its the only way for it to work.

This benefits Microsoft but would be bad for Sony.


Can we please focus on the topic of Xbox Game Studios?

From the first post:

We want this thread to actually be about the studios. Job listings, hires, concept art from new hires, rumours, all that stuff should go here.

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Sega has a treasure trove of dormant IP’s that Xbox could put teams on and since they seem to license their stuff out anyway like with SOR4. Panzer Dragoon : I’d love to see MS team up with Groundling Inc and have Fytatsugi direct. Doesn’t even need a reboot, make it a direct sequel to Orta!

Jet Set Radio : They could get with Team Reptile and Hideki Naganuma on soundtrack again.

Golden Axe : Team up with Lizard Cube ( Streets of Rage 4) and make it a side scrooling beat em up again unlike the last failed revival they tried