Xbox Game Studios |OT3| Once more....with feeling (Part 1)

i mean they are in stock right now at best buy.

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haha true just checked if they are somewhere in Germany… nope


lol. This is like when MS bought Bethesda, then you have fan boys raging about Sony having a counter move like they decide on when to do a billion dollar acquisition. The reality is, no one is going to care in a week.

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I just don’t understand though…

Like why would you buy Xbox without GamePass?

Maybe if your internet is shit yeah, but other than that I don’t understand.

Series S is LITERALLY a GamePass machine. It was sold AS a GamePass machine. You’re supposed to buy GamePass when you get it. All Access is sold WITH GAMEPASS.

So why all the hub-bub about rising the price of gold when you can just get GPU? Like I get it’s a big more money and if money’s tight, but let’s take that out of the picture.

If you Average Gamer, you have the means and money to purchase a gaming console and pay for an online subscription without strain, why on earth would you buy an Xbox without GamePass?

Maybe I can’t see pass my privileges, but buying an Xbox Series console without GamePass is like buying gas without a car or vice versa.


Some people just don’t like subscription services. And for others, $10-15 a month isn’t as easy to part with as it is for you or I.

I think some of those people will start to change their minds when XGS starts launching big exclusive games into Gamepass every quarter.


Like I said, I can’t see past my own GamePass Privilege, but 10-15 a month is sometimes nothing to the amount these same people would spend on Madden or COD MTX.

I understand that I’ll never understand because of my privilege, but it all seems so alien to me.

Some gamers are just curmudgeons when it comes to their money and/or gaming habits. I have a friend who refuses to pay for gold/gamepass/anything service related, but he’ll drop $200 on a WWE 2K game and pay full price for things that are already in Gamepass. This is the same guy that when we go to concerts/events, he’ll pay $10 for a beer and not think twice about it. :smile:

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See, this is one of the one “people quirks” that’s completely alien to me. Dropping 200+ dollars on annual MTX games without playing anything else.

I just don’t know man.

Boggles my mind, and I’m trying to understand to be more empathetic.

What kind of news are we talking about here? :slight_smile:

Everyone’s different. When you stop trying to understand people, you’ll be much happier. :smile:

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I’m with you. I think it’s literally insane to get an Xbox without Game Pass, so in a way I don’t feel too sorry about all this. Still a bad look and an unforced error from Xbox.

I’m trying to be more understand and empathetic to people and their lifestyles.

However, I’ve had (my albit small) circle of friends, just buy the Series S and Series X just FOR GamePass. So the concept of someone buying a Series X just to play Fifa every year online is such a strange and foreign concept to me.

There is no “right” way to use your console and game and have fun. I’m not telling people that this is the only “right” way to use your console.

But to me, the idea of buying your kid a $500 Series X to play Fortnite at 120FPS all day every day using Gold as the only means of online connection is so STRANGE I cannot see past it.

Really unfortunate this news today and kinda sad because xbox has soo many amazing games in the making :frowning: Honestly now is the best time to give us something new hehe


I hope they have some good news Monday. its gonna be bad for them if the Medium doesn’t review well either.


Honestly this has nothing to do with The Medium. And The Medium will score in the low to mid 80 I’d say.


You’re right that it doesn’t have anything to do with The Medium, but doesn’t mean people won’t dogpile reviews with this news.

Many gamers immediately assume or like to announce the worst, and dogpile some of the most irrelevant things. Things have been this way in the gaming sphere for forever, especially when it comes to PR (look back at Xbox in 2013, Sony this summer before their big reveals, etc.)

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what has one thing to do with the other? :smiley:

some of you, not you @Opatschi, have crossed the line today. :man_facepalming:

The Medium isn’t even published by XGS right? Not sure what impact it is supposed to have on Xbox’s image if it reviews poorly.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Microsoft is increasing prices for Xbox Live Gold ($59.99 for 6 months)

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