Xbox Game Studios |OT3| Once more....with feeling (Part 1)

Looks like democracy truly has come out of the darkness in 2021.

If they made it 1st person they may as well not bother with the license. You’ve got to be able to see the damn main character!

Interesting IP choice as well. Hopefully Ford gets the voice acting gig.

Some people really convinced themselves that MS paid 7+ Billion for Bethesda so they can help sell PS5s.


You could see him in cutscences tho.

Bethesda is going to have a fantastic generation :

  • Zenimax Online work on multiples new AAA IP, maybe a online FPS

  • Arkane Austin work on a fantasy first person game on UE4 (Dark Mesiah’s spiritual successor please)

  • BGS is going to release Starfield, their first new IP since 20 years and TES 6, one of the most anticipated game ever

  • Obsidian/Inxile may work on Fallout again

  • MachineGames is going to make Indiana Jones’s game

  • Phil is going to give Mikami cash so he can make the game of his dream

  • Rounhouse is maybe going to make a spiritual successor for Prey 2006

I’m looking forward to next Arkane Lyon project after Deathloop, same for IDSoftware


Indeed. I think it shows in the type of deals they’ve been making, by aggressively going after individual titles for 1 or 2 years of exclusivity, which is probably a mistake seeing the moves Xbox has made. I do think they will buy someone soon though and have a feeling it will be Square Enix, though they may prove too costly. They just seem cosy these days, what with the likes of FF16 and Project Athia.


I’m with Andy its way too early to tell


If that game ends up being exclusive or not it won’t matter to us because at least now we’re sure we will be able to play it at launch but if Sony can use their leverage to make Spiderman exclusive I don’t see why Microsoft can’t do the same here, they will own Bethesda soon after all, unless the deal Bethesda signed would force the game to be 3rd party but again if Sony can do it why not Microsoft?

this is so cool :slight_smile:


hmmm i am on team exclusive after seeing this…

Sony didn’t do it though, Marvel decided that themselves by approaching them. I do think this Indy title will be exclusive though, too many little things are adding up like the Phil Spencer comment Solis just posted and the fact there was no mention of platforms.

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I get it though. Can only speak for myself here, but I really like to see the character I’m controlling. Not every game of course, but a Indy game in my opinion absolutely needs to be third person, I want to see Indy. Same goes for RPG, I want to see who I play as and when I find new clothing or armor it’s cool to see it on my character. In BGS games I often change to third person during exploration to see my character. I love that about BGS.

A good balance of third and first person games is best in my opinion. Take AC for example, GTA, God of War, Ghost of Tsushina and so on…those wouldn’t be nearly as great if they were first person. You also don’t see awesome animations of your character if it’s first person only.


I agree 100%. MP is what will keep people stay.

Haha. Cutscenes. Good one.

You are wise in the ways of the force.

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Personally it doesn’t matter to me as long as I enjoy the game

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Anyone being listening to John Williams Indiana Jones scores today?

Honestly for me it does not matter thought I agree something cinematic like Indie should be third.

The truth is some games are better for first some for third person. I’d argue very immersive games like Prey, Dishonored, Stalker, Bioshock are best in first person. I also consider games like Skyrim and Fallout very immersive. shooters are also best suited in first person (not action adventures)

There is a reason why gears is the last remaining cinematic singleplayer third person shooter.

again no action adventures (Uncharted, Tomb Raider)

Yeah, the Phil comment definitely is interesting. Would be quite something once the deal finishes and during “E3” Xbox announces the game as Xbox (exclusive).

Earlier today some people noted that Xbox was the first and only one to react to the Indy news, but that could also be because Bethesda will soon be a Xbox company. And the fact that Sony isn’t saying anything could also be because they just don’t know. Could be announced as Xbox game and turning out to be timed.

But after what Phil is now saying, I’m leaning towards exclusive too. And that could very well mean that any sequels will be too.

Lol they gotta stop

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