Xbox Game Studios |OT3| Once more....with feeling (Part 1)

Riders Republic drops next month and not a shred of info on it from Ubisoft. Either that game is gonna be a disaster of a launch or getting delayed soon.

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Delayed. Expect TONS of delays for games expect for ones that were already basically done.

I really really think this year is gonna be light on some releases, and the ones that do release are going to be extra buggy and unpolished unless ALOT of money is behind them.

I hate to say it, but the gaming industry was structured for a work-at-home enviroment. Our infrastructure as a nation just isn’t there.

Alright but for me personally I would rather have MS get an Wolverine game or X men game

Delay for sure

Imagine they get rights to all Disney titles?

Ghostwire Tokyo will release in October 2021. So it will be on Game Pass in October 2022


When PS5 users boot it up, it will likely have something along the lines of - - -

“Bethesda is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Microsoft Corporation” along with a SHIT ton of legalize that would probably say Microsoft.

The credits might even have :philwins: name in it.



Perfect period for it, just makes sense to release it in the winter.

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Hopefully it’ll be on Game Pass for PC in October 2021.

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My dream star wars game is a singleplayer RPG set on mandalore where you start as a mandalorian in training, helping people along the way, you could get different pieces of armour from different sets by completing quests and tasks etc, but in a really discrete way, so you could have the shoulder piece from armour set A on the chest piece of armour set B with the helmet from set C etc etc.

Then it would also have an online component where you go to the port (I guess) and get on a ship to leave your singleplayer world and join a mulitplayer server where you can go on what are basically raids with other players using your character from the singleplayer portion of the game

This way you get the best of both worlds, the pure singleplay experience for those who want it, and an online multiplayer component that isnt obtrusive to the singleplayer experience.

And its a long shot, but I think zenimax online should do the whole thing, they are doing a great job with elder scrolls online and im sure could make a compelling singleplayer only game, in addition to a shared multiplayer space


I doubt that if anything I could see Sony being super aggressive

Me too. Games that were scheduled for late 2020 were pushed into Q1/Q2 2021 and those originally set for Q1/Q2 2021 will get pushed to Q3/Q4 2021. Especially now, im hoping publishers stop announcing their games so soon and not give a release date/window until they know for sure that they can hit it.

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I see a bunch of Star Wars stuff being talked about. My opinion is that if Disney shops to anyone, it’s going to be Sony. Look at their success with Spider Man. Meanwhile, EA doesn’t have a clue more times than not and Square Enix completely fucked up The Avengers which definitely takes a lot of effort. lmao.

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Sony needs to fuck off with making licensed ip exclusive games


Personally, I will always own both Sony/Microsoft consoles so it doesn’t matter to me either way and to be honest, nothing is preventing Microsoft from doing the same thing. Instead, Microsoft goes after quantity. AA/Indies and Sony goes after the bangers. Microsoft should do the same thing but they choose not to.

I would disagree on Microsoft not aiming on bangers especially picking up bethseda


I’ve got a feeling Xbox could go after some exclusive star wars games. Not produced with one of their studios but financed by them and throw them in Gamepass day 1. Netflix goes after these big name exclusives like this and finances the movie, I expect some of the same will happen with Xbox.

Not to mention ninja theory obsidian etc you get the point

Would be crazy

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