Xbox Game Studios |OT2| It's pronounced "Krayg" not "Kreg"

Casey Hudson has left Bioware

When it comes to games like Hitman, the Telltale games, DontNod etc…they are episodic in how they release. Hitman 2016 launched with only the tutorial and Paris mission, didn’t it? And then we had to wait several months for a new mission. With Telltale and DontNod it was even sometimes not until a full year for all episodes to be out.

Is RE Revelations really episodic? I recall that being a full game at launch. Alan Wake as well, it was a full game at launch. Or do you mean in the game itself, not necessarily in how the game was split into actual episodes and released throughout a year?

XBOX’s biggest achilles heel are their fans themselves. No matter what they do, they always have something to bitch about. Constantly negative and imposing their own constant cynicism.

To be honest companies like Sony and Apple are what they are because of their blind fanbase, even though I hate such fans atleast they stick to their brand, instead here we have XBOX fans constantly negative and always putting everything under a microscope and trying to find faults. You’re are not doing any favors acting like this for your brand.

Slowly its becoming a BITCH FEST here rather than celebrating gaming and the so called Xbox Era panel members are not helping it too. I can name other prominent members of the community too but don’t want to. SAD.


So much concern over Ubisoft comparisons. They’re generally bad at optimizing games. AC: Odyssey still runs like doodoo on PC. Don’t worry about it, enjoy the ridiculous amount of games hitting Game Pass, and if performance is your worry just look at Gears 5 and see how incredible games can run when the devs know the hardware.


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I mean, I thought it was clear I was referring to fanboy/internet reactions to it. Not my own. It also wasn’t an opinion on the quality of the game either.

It was purely about what I thought the reactions would be to it (even assuming what we’ve heard is true).

Obviously it wasn’t obvious enough.


Technically also episodic in form but agreed.

Revelations was episodic in structure.

Alan Wake was split into episodes with more as DLC.

I think if Initiative does something like Alan Wake. Maybe the game ships with 3 stand alone episodes/black mirror type stories totalling 10 hours for like $30, and then add another 3 hour episode every 3 months or so for $10 each for a total of 6 or 7 episodes for $60-70 total, that’d be fine, especially if the core episodes are replayable like Hitman.

I think what is most important is that the episodes release consistently, are decent length and most importantly, are fun/replayable. If done right, this could be the first game made for Game Pass that takes full advantage of the model’s advantages. Now, I don’t want this to be the new normal as someone who likes to binge play, but if fans can justify dropping $40 on a 4 and a half hour long Spider-Man spinoff that uses the same map then a fully featured game prorated over time doesn’t seem too bad. Idk.

To put it this way, I’d rather episodic and start playing in 2021 than wait until 2023 or, God forbid, get an unpolished full experience in 2022.

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uhh maybe dont favour a brand and just play games. I have a xbox because I love Halo and most xbox games. Also I think the future line up is soooo good. Also GAMEPASS


This is the second time he left. Wonder what the reason is for this departure. I hope this doesn’t effect BioWare too much.

The people enjoying video games are… enjoying video games. :wink:

But I agree, we, as a community, do sometimes focus on small negative aspects too much while forgetting the bigger, more positive, picture.

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We’re not bitching about the game. Most of us want the game. Most of us will like the game.

We’ve got a problem with someone with some minor weight in the Forum/Twitter world not choosing words carefully which could be detrimental to Xbox, XGS, and the fine devs making PD.

Well you was right I guess :slight_smile:

Bruh I love y’all but you gotta be a little bit more careful man. Saying “losing faith in XGS” just adds shit onto the fire my dude.

No love loss, but please choose less inflammatory language to paint your picture please. :slight_smile:

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I mean that only why constantly talk down something when you haven’t even seen it. Lets see it first then react. Especially when it comes from their own fans.

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Nobody hates Xbox more than Xbox fans…

Well except for maybe Twitter.

Clearly I need to

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Indeed! Have fun putting out this fire online and I’m sure you’ll get TONS of press questions and stuff.

Best of luck my dude.

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…and you were right, actually. Word of the Initiative’s game possibly being episodic just got onto sites like Twitter, Reddit, etc. and I already see so many people saying “well there goes my hype for the game” or “damn Xbox killing expectations again” or “what a joke, another telltale game, massive L”. I ain’t making those words up sadly. If only they could give it a chance…

People like to judge and doomsday all the time.

I know, I hate the misinformation that spreads like wildfire each day…