Xbox Game Studios |OT2| It's pronounced "Krayg" not "Kreg"

Action and adventure game, I think the Xbox has things in the oven like: Hellblade 2, The Initiative etc. Now, really a Souls-Like… Is an uncertain scenario so far for XGS. Studios are not lacking to create a :kissing: [your studios, dont need to buy others]

I really hope Xbox considers getting an exclusive From game. I highly suspect Sony may buy them as Kadokawa aligns with their corporate strategy of synergy between manga, anime, publishing and games so the time is now.

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I updated my answer. :wink: I would think it would be better to take an XGS or one from Bethesda, and invite to create a. there are more than 23 teams there. surely there is someone wanting to do it.

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I think it might be worth giving Roundhouse a shot at one. They played around with that sort of combat in Rune 2 iirc. Now granted, that’s not a great game, but Roundhouse has a great deal of talent in house and an extremely tight budget and production cycle. With some tlc they could make a great one.

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Didn’t hear those rumors. Would be exciting if true. Love that style of game. Blending that style with InXile storytelling and player choice sounds really good on paper.

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I had heard a shooter for InXile, but they also have one of the God of War combat designers. They’re cooking up something in terms of combat. Maybe Soulslike meets Remnant? (Both combat and shooting within the style)


After Lords of the Fallen I think Xbox might be wary of trying to make their own Dark Souls game, rather cut a deal to get actual From Software games to come to the Xbox instead

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Wonder where all of these random inXile rumors come from lol

hmmmm i mean what they can do ? few idea left hack and slash which they had one but they cancel it (scalebound and yeah it’s jrpg but still have hack and slash combat ) and hero type class Bleeding edge died within month and Phantom Dust in the pit of abyss. even soul like games Sony got it covered.

so what is left ? stealth games and true hack and slash no one is doing this now.

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Mostly job listings and filled roles. Bit of insiders and “insiders”.

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One of the issues with Lords of the Fallen was that it didn’t have a “soul” of it’s own. (Pun intended) I believe the game design philosophy could work in other games. Just a matter of hiring established combat designers.

Do you guys think they’ll release Psychonauts 2 on ps5? As in proper next gen optimized.

Or perhaps just make it run in BC mode?

Cuz only ps4 version was confirmed.

Idk and I don’t really mind if👀 I have to play part one before

Good question. Maybe. Don’t think it matters much in terms of how it effects Xbox. Will be on Game Pass which is the biggest advantage Xbox version has.

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In terms of what they can do:

Hack and Slash (not sure any of their games apply right now but the Bleeding Edge team could make one. The combat in that game was top notch).

Traditional Stealth (Possibly Perfect Dark)

Immersive Sim (supposedly Compulsion’s game is one)

Horror/Survival Horror (still has to compete with TLOU and Days Gone to an extent)

SoulsLike: Sony really only has two, Demon’s Souls and Bloodborne.

Traditional Third Person Shooter: MS has Gears, after SOCOM died only Uncharted was left for Sony but that’s as much as cinematic action adventure as it is a shooter.

A unique twist on a given formula: Things like the way Hellblade manifests mental terror into its gameplay, the proposed destruction in Crackdown 3, the show within a show in Quantum Break, the aesthetics of Everwild. Not all of these gimmicks work, but something to differentiate from the competition goes a little way at least.

Again, I think MS is pretty well positioned so far in this regard. The last thing I want is The Initiative’s game to be a Naughty Dog clone just because they have talent from the studio. I want to see something that is unique to the studio and feels different, not MS’s version of the “Halo Clones” Sony, Nintendo and third parties were cranking out just because they wanted the cache.


Most underappreciated genre there is…

Prey is a classic in my book


If I had to guess, probably not. I think Double Fine would be late to get PS5 dev kits anyways and Sony was supposedly stingy with them. Having a next gen “exclusive” version helps as well I suppose. In the grand scheme of things, nothing about Psychonauts 2 screams next gen. It just seems like a damn good game that I can’t wait to play.

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Just picked that up yesterday with the Dishonored games. I love Prey 2006 but I hear this one is very different. Still, heard great things.


if they will do it because they are afraid of the backlash lol this is MS Since ROTR Deal

Prey 2017 is a totally different game. If you like the structure of Bioshock and it’s environmental storytelling you will love this. The amount of possible solutions to get somewhere is unmatched imo. This game is for people who like to think outside of norms and experiment with the environment and the tools.