Xbox Game Studios |OT2| It's pronounced "Krayg" not "Kreg"

Mine just arrived and in the setup stage. Love how they’ve done this with the app, feels as seamless as getting a phone upgrade


On behalf of Middle East/ Arab speakers




Microsoft buy Koei Tecmo… that would be impressive. :grimacing:

because of that its not happening.

That would be interesting. They have a couple good ip. Metal Gear, Castlevania, Bomberman, Contra. Outside of that I’m not really familiar with what else they’ve done.

On a side note, I have a question for any Destiny players out there. I played a fair amount of the original Destiny but missed the boat on Destiny 2. I have a couple of friends wanting to play the new expansion. What’s the fastest way for me to be able to play the new content without dragging my friends down.

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All those cons apply even more to Koei Tecmo though. They have a complete animation department, book writing department, Music, etc.

Besides, outside of creepy fanservice games: What games did they produce lately that are family friendly/Casual friendly? There is more to a family than a creepy uncle ;).

And aren’t kind of close to Nintendo too with “Dynasty Warriors But Zelda”?

Koei Tecmo has Castlevania, Bomberman and MetalGear? Oh wait you were replying to the Konami post, my bad. It was right under the Koei Tecmo rumor :stuck_out_tongue: .


Rather get Capcom.


Been playing some Gears Tactics. Usually this is not my kind of genre, but I I can see myself enjoying this more. Crisp as fuck! Barely any loading, it’s just lovely.


As far as I know all gear is having its level increased to 1050 so you shouldn’t have too much to worry about. You will just have to go and do the starter missions until you open up all activities and social area. Once that is done, even if they are a bit ahead in light level you should be able to catch up quick enough.

this is from Konami. it has nothing to do with Koei Tecmo. :sweat_smile:

a Konami acquisition would not be bad :new_moon_with_face:

Nope. Misread and thought Koei said Konami :joy:


Yea I misread lol my bad

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They wouldn’t be very high on my list tbh. MS should probably stay as far aware from Dead or Alive as possible.


Ok so now that I got that straightened out, what does KT own? Do they still have Ninja Gaiden?

Yeah, modern DOA is actually extremely creepy. Itagaki already had a bit of the creep in em, but didn’t go overboard. These new guys, … yeah… erm… Imma stay away from people that play the VR version of it :P. (You guys know which version I mean :slight_smile: )


ha ha yep.

So, this Koei Tecmo thing… It is a public company in Japan, so it makes things difficult. I think its a partnership. they have: Nioh IP, Dead or Alive IP, Fairy Tail IP, Ninja Gaiden IP and others. quite “Japanese” games. KT Games has Team Ninja in its studios, it would be a good addition to the Xbox. An acquisition would be very difficult. But a partnership to bring your multiplatform games to the Xbox or the Game Pass is sure to be happening.


Neither of the Nioh games are on Xbox right? That could be a cool get for gamepass


I would rather they talk to Bandai Namco over Koei Tecmo. All Koei Tecmo seem to make these days are endless Warrior games, Bandai Namco at least have a bit of variety in the catalogue of recent and upcoming games.

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Anybody know if you can do network transfer with a console wired?

I think From Software would be better than Koei