Xbox Game Studios |OT12| The One with Starfield and Activision Blizzard King

Yeah, not a big fan of that either.

There’s a reason we all chose to get a Xbox and not PC. It’s the ease of use and much more. And it’s quite reasonable that folks are disappointed after so many 60fps games, including first party games.

The dev says this now about the game, but a few months after launch there will be a performance mode. I have no doubts. Hopefully sooner.


This is like clockwork at this point.

People shit on those who are disappointed or upset at a lack of a 60 fps option. Game goes on to get a 60 fps mode down the line and those same people call it a game changer.

If you can’t get it to 60 fps for launch, just say that then. Nobody wants to hear the “it’s a single player game so it doesn’t need 60 fps” gaslight crap anymore lol.


The thing that rubs me the wrong way is, again, the communication.

After Redfall, Phil Spencer talked about how they made a mistake in marketing the game with 60fps footage then releasing the game at 30. Now here we are all over again with Avowed.

And Obsidian telling people that single player first person action games don’t need 60fps? Stop with the marketing spiel because no one is falling for that, first person action is very much where 60fps is needed more.

I just want some clear and transparent communication from Xbox for once. They just seem to dig themselves a hole at every turn when it comes to PR.


It would be refreshing to hear a dev simply say. It’s Unreal Engine 5. It’s very taxing, we want to have it look the best it can at launch, and we’ll likely work on a performance mode after launch. And he did say that about visuals, but then to say a first person game doesn’t need 60fps…come on now.

That being said, i think that would be one of the very first times a dev is that dead honest.

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Just to put some positive news too:

Digital Foundry’s video about their top 3 games from Gamescom, which are STALKER 2, Indiana Jones and Black State (that photorrealistic spy? action game)

Seems they praise Stalker a lot, with solid 60 FPS and close to native 4k resolution.

Looks like GSC Game World are cooking, betting this game’s going to sell like hot cakes



What’s missing is that before answering this question, he said I am not the best person to answer this… so, he should have stopped there.

@Proven - can you confirm?

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Not getting my hopes up, but…

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It is kinda easy to see that things are still at the beginning, so they are trying some stuff and see what works and what doesn’t. When they will have more datas, that’s when you will be able to see a pattern.


It’s not ideal, but if they were to go full on 100% multiplatform with all of them being day and date…there isn’t really a way back, and basically they will have played all their cards. I can’t see that being the ideal way to enter next gen in 2026.

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100% spot on, don’t get why it’s viewed as a bad thing to demand better and have 60 FPS at launch instead of in a patch 6+ months later on.


Honestly, if you had said “they renegotiated the deal for Indiana Jones to get 3 months exclusivity” then no one would have batted an eye. Leaks / trials are a large part of the weird messaging as well as their general transparency. So most of that isn’t on Xbox.

About the 30 fps talk, Obsidian is right when they say you don’t need 60 fps. It is preferable yes, but in a RPG, I can totally play in 30 FPS, 60 is not necessary. Better yes, but not essential. In a competitive game, I’m 60 through and through.

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Also a lot of people are not seeing it in context which is a pretty dang informal video from a couple less senior devs.


Yeah, to me they are first focusing on making a great game, and then they will optimize.


Perfectly said. Feels like the community are just trained to accept compromises now. We should expect better.


Avowed was my most hyped game too. They have like half a year still so I’m hoping they can hit 60

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Perhaps in that case it would have been better if they said they can’t comment on it yet. And if higher ups at the team have plans for a performance mode it would be nice if they let us know.


Yeah, it’s a balance between do you want there to be connections between devs and press or not. I’d prefer a more open convo, but clearly it’s not working.


I must say I have eye rolled any source that says Obsidian have “confirmed” 30fps for Avowed, because while the dev comments may be an indication of it happening, it absolutely wasn’t a confirmation.

Although it probably doesn’t help that we’ve been down this exact road before with Starfield when Todd Howard made similar comments about 30fps being fine for their games and it subsequently launched at 30.

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