Xbox Game Studios |OT11| The One with Starfield and Activision Blizzard King

Yeah, the 2023 trailer had some weird lighting issues and the company which made the trailer apparently messed up compressing the trailer, but the assets looked good.

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I am not worried about Avowed graphics at all. I thought the game already looked great in the last Developer Direct. I just hope it has engaging story and it is fun to play.

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Didn’t 5.4 only officially release a month ago?

They still need time to do QA etc.


Devs more than likely had early access to this build, but it’s not really important. I just find it funny that Jez thought the game being on 5.3 is impressive.

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It’s carried views for us this entire weekend. As silly as it may seem, things like this pay the bills.


For a long time they were rumored to still be on UE4 or at least that’s what many people thought

I’ve never seen those. Good find ! It looks really good.

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What some color and lighting can do, wow. Also saw more shots today of a character model, looked way more detailed than what we saw in the 2023 trailer. It didn’t look like art to me.

But one thing seems for sure, there locations will be great to explore.

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Xbox x Xbox collab!? That’s silly. What’s next? Monster Hunter x Monster Hunter collab?


maybe an Xbox Series X wrap that makes it look like an Xbox Series X :thinking:



So i loaded up Diablo 4 for the first time… I tend to mainly like games with a story.

I like the gameplay of this but service games tend to put me off. I know you kinda lose your character each season so I just was wondering like… is this game mainly for those who want to grind for loot rather than enjoy the story? Does the new seasonal content add story elements?

What do you mean by this?

My wife and I have played Diablo co-op since the first one, but have yet to start this one. It takes us literally years to get through one, as we only tend to play it sporadically. Am I to understand that we’d have to start new characters each season? We have no interest in partaking in any online content, just want to play the campaign in local co-op.

Honestly I cant say I am an expert either. I find it kinda confusing. I think to partake in the seasonal content you have to use a new character and for legacy content you can use any created character. I have only picked this up tonight though so I am happy for clarity/someone to correct me!

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I think there’s a good story in Diablo 4. Once you beat the game you can keep playing for the post game grind, or you can just just stop and never play it again. Also, the seasonal character stuff is optional and is separate from any regular characters you make.


I believe your character lives on like the eternal realm or something like that once a season ends, you don’t lose it.


But still playable in the normal, non-seasonal launch version of the game?