Xbox Game Studios |OT11| The One with Starfield and Activision Blizzard King

Don’t they also have seasons in FH5, thinking about it?

I remember the final jump for the achievement I had to wait for dry season as the church was mostly covered by the reservoir…

(Although have a vague memory of succeeding in the wet anyway and boring my friend about it for a fortnight)

Both the teams have a long awaited Japan world expectations.

Having them meet in a same year would be a miracle.

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I don’t think we’re getting Japan :stuck_out_tongue:

There are no developers in the world who create a universe without knowing how their game will play Everwild was the subject of a lot of studies at RareLtd before being greenlight you can’t greenlight a game just on an idea of ​​a universe… not in the AAA industry.


Wasn’t this literally THE studio that was reported to not have known what the game would be yet, after the first trailer?

Personally I have zero hopes for it, unfortunately. Would love for them to surprise us all though.

I swear the “Xbox isn’t marketing Hellblade” or “Hellblade is purposely being set up for failure” rhetoric I am seeing on every comment section and on every forum feels like a bunch of people playing follow the leader and just repeating what they saw someone say on a podcast.

For a game of this size and scope I am not sure what people are wanting. The marketing I am seeing for this game feels proportionate to its scale and I don’t think it is any worse than most smaller single player games. Just really weird discourse and it feels disingenuous.


Hellblade II with a team size of 80 people working on the game for 4 years won’t be getting the same global marketing push as Call of Duty, sorry.


I love when I see an add for Hellblade on Reddit, 2 posts above a concern trolling post about how someone thinks the lack of marketing means they’re getting shut down lmao


I have high hopes, it’s rare after all. They were forced to show it too early, twice. Rare is a studio that provides unique gameplay experiences, I am sure the Sea of Thieves gameplay loop say a number of iterations.

When you’re doing something different it’s expected that something won’t work out and you’ll have to pivot. It just so happens that the game was announced so early that these pivots are now public and look like delays and problems rather than being a normal part of a development cycle.

My only worry is it won’t be a game for me, no worries about the quality at all.


Agreed. Also the Hellblade podcast episode and full video on YouTube of taking people to Iceland to see how the setting fits the game is marketing too.

Just because they are doing things differently doesn’t mean it’s not getting marketing


Always happens after Sony blows its load. Now theres the big quiet, its Xbox scrutiny time.

I dont recall Palworld having much marketing and its 25m in one month.


My hope is that once they rereveal it that it won’t be too far away from release. Mostly I hope it won’t be a repeat of how SoT launched. I keep hearing how great it is now, but it launched as barebones as it gets. I’d really like for this game to be just…complete when it launches. We shall see.

Hopefully still this generation. :wink:

Who knows, with these rumors about 2026 next gen Xbox.

Except that you can’t Greenlight a game without precise ideas of how it’s played it’s not Rare who confirmed that they didn’t know how the game was played it was “insider” journalists The same ones who said that Fable would not be shown because the game was not very advanced or the same ones who recently published that the next Call of Duty would not be Day One Gamepass. They make it all clickbait. Rare never rebooted Everwild


Everwild probably moved from Unreal Engine 4 to Unreal Engine 5. Unreal Engine 4 was not a good engine for Open Worlds even though Rare did some magic with Sea of ​​Thieves they reached the limit of the engine. Unreal Engine 5 should allow Everwild more freedom and ambition.

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People love repeating the narrative to be part of the zeitgiest, I guess, or recognized in a community. It’s weird sometimes.


I agree but honestly, im not expecting it to be shown back to back years. Reason being is that I believe it will be a Fall 2025 release and it would make more sense to show a gameplay walkthrough trailer next year with a release date. No reason for Playground Games to waste time making a trailer when the game is over a year away.

I wonder if Playground Games finally goes to Japan with Forza Horizon 6.



So I am half way through Rise of The Tomb Raider which has a combination of open zones and linear story paths.

It got me thinking about what I would lkke from Indy. Personally, id rather a much more linear tighter experience. What would others prefer?


Yeah I don’t expect to see Fable in the upcoming showcase, they will show the game when it’s closer to launch with more gameplay so it’s alright by me. This year should be the year of The Coalition and id, I can’t wait to see what they are working on all those years.

I’d love to see FH go to Japan man…throw in some badass street bikes in there as well and we are talking about the ultimate arcade racer fantasy. :stuck_out_tongue:

That being said even if FH6 won’t go to Japan I can’t wait for the next FH regardless, I have complete faith and trust in Playground to deliver another amazing racing game.