Xbox Game Studios |OT11| The One with Starfield and Activision Blizzard King

Yeah, I don’t consider Fable a given. I don’t think it’s a must that they give an update on every game each showcase.

Would like to see it again but I saw enough to be hyped and can wait for when it’s ready for a Dev Direct like showing in January. Right now I’m more interested in the things we haven’t seen at all.

I do think it’s more likely than not that it makes an appearance though.

A gameplay sequence would be nice. I know what we saw besides some of the in-game cinematics was in game without the UI, but I’d really like something with the UI showing just as proof to everyone about how great this game is gonna look! Really impressed about seeing Forza Tech used in a ARPG.

I think the showing really depends when the game is coming out. Is it a surprise early 2025 release, summer 2025, holidays 2025? Because if it’s late next year they still have plenty of time to show more. But then you risk the usual rumour mills online to go about how Fable wasn’t shown and there’s probably someone who’ll come out and say they’ve heard the development is in troubles lol

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It’s so easy to make a tweet acting like an insider these days. Unless this fella has a track record? I haven’t heard about this dude ever.

No shit a new FH is in development, lmao.


Don’t encourage them by getting them clicks haha


He has HB2…


He’s a nobody then?

That said, i would LOVE to see FH6, but that would also mean a release this year. That’s how PG does it and that is not happening.

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Typically if someone is worth listening to, someone you have heard of will RT the info.


With a name like “G.O.A.T. Gaming” he has to be legit. :smile:


Exactly! That name is as epic as it gets.


Lol I’d love a Tokyo or similar city setting for Forza Horizon - be a bit nuts to have both AC and FH set in Japan in the same year but very different times!

I’m not going in expecting it though - if FH6 is unveiled I’ll be delighted, but if not I’ll expect it next year instead


I’d also like to seasons make a return, along with a larger live service team, that can modify the whole map every 3 months or so, with decoration/props to follow a certain theme. They have been doing localized theming on small areas of the map, but doesn’t have the same impact. They already have a very solid cadence of new cars every month, more than any other comparable game, so they’ve got that side of the live service covered.

4 season + fully themed map every 3-4 months or so will keep the game even more fresh and exciting.

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The issue is, what’s their incentive to do that? Isn’t it better to just go ahead and start working on the next game?

Nah, even if FH6 is ready, they need to save it, completed, Nintendo style for next year. Banger after banger.

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They’re likely to have even more games coming out next year.

We’ve just had 6 months since the last first party game - yes I’d rather they stopped releasing most of their games at the end of the year but given how few we’ve had yet I’m thinking plan as many as are ready this year.

That way, the ones that inevitably slip can go into first 6 months of next year, to stop another long period without any - and they’ve loads in the pipeline for the next couple of years either way.

Also Forza Horizon reaches a far greater audience that any of the games they’ve got planned this year - it’ll easily do Hellblade 2, Avowed and the others numbers all put together, and I’m a fan of Obsidian etc.

Whereas next few years they’ve got the licenced properties that may have greater reach

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Indy isn’t a licensed title?

I’d forgotten Indy was due this year to be honest!

Still think it they have FH6 ready to go give it to us as it’s likely very different crowds, but I actually don’t think FH6 will be finished till next year anyway

Because there’s a balance to made, they can’t continue to churn out a new games like they did earlier, because the formula is pretty refined now, iterative updates means people are less likely to buy newer games. The series also has a extraordinary Metacritic record. If the scores drop by even 5 points it could be damaging to the future of the franchise. So longer gap allows them to make meaningful changes and also increases peoples desire for a new game.

The game incentivizes weekly play because of the playlists, but those only offer new cars as incentive to return, Fh5 has also been boosted by UGC. New map content will add a second incentive to return. More mau’s = more people likely to spend on car packs etc. in turn also allows the game to survive longer before the next one.

Ah I thought you meant as features for FH6.

For FH5, I think whether 6 comes this year or next, we’ll likely have a few big events but no massive feature changes as they’ll want to save them for 6

Nah, I did mean seasons and themed full maps for fh6. FH5 live service might start to slow down like they did with end of FH4.

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They would just create the 4 variants of the map once and just cycle them every 3 months right?

I think part of the problem is chunks of the map have regions where seasonal differentiation is pretty small (speaking primarily from a FH5 perspective). Beach is basically the same in any season, so is the dessert and rainforest (I assume). The mountains would see more snow I guess.

As someone that lives in Los Angeles, seasons are more about temperature than any visual change here haha.