Xbox Game Studios |OT11| The One with Starfield and Activision Blizzard King

Have you tried using “X” ? :yamchadead:


Oh tell me about it, damn.

Nah I meant that he believes it’s better suited as a decision for next gen. That it won’t be the console/sub mover they hope it is.


I honestly don’t expect that all of a sudden people are going to run out and buy an Xbox for a multiplatform game lol

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Nah, true. But GP subs?

I think they expect to get a bump in subs, but how big of a bump is anyone’s guess.

It seems Parris might have finished it.

If only I could give you more likes for this sentence alone :wink:


Parris is great. But what is this useless farming tweet shit?


True. Expected different from him.

Just twitter, throw out a fishing comment, what do you think? (please get me engagement)

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I would not call him great. I actually think he has some shit takes and gets way more praise then ge deserves. The flight sim stuff was cringe af.

I swear he Said that you didnt spend 6,5 billion on bethesda to make it multiplatform 6,5 billion times.

I guess you can’t be a fan of everyone. :man_shrugging:

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It’s free marketing.

I love this! Minecraft is such a gem, smartest purchase MS did honestly. From all the games my daughters play, this is the one I can’t get mad about if they play too much!

Also, love this ad! Does Minecraft have different marketing departments than the rest of Xbox? I always find their social engagement to be top notch.



The closer we get to June the more I hope we really see a few minutes gameplay of Fable. What we saw last year, especially the super brief parts in the woods looked great and I need MOAR!


Yeah I hope so too, but I fear it will be a no show if it’s next years big game and they don’t show it again until next June. I hope I’m wrong.

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That would be

But yeah, it’s best to not expect a thing and be surprised if it does show up.

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