Xbox Game Studios |OT11| The One with Starfield and Activision Blizzard King

Locks: Avowed, Indy, COD, Age of Empires 4, Age of Mythology, Ara, Towerborne, Fable, Shattered Space, Fallout 76, ESO, Diablo, Overwatch, Sea of Thieves

Should be: Gears, South of Midnight, State of Decay 3, Contraband, Doom

Maybe: Double fine title, Perfect Dark, Clockwork Rev, Minecraft RT, Forza Horizon, Everwild, Wutang, IO game, New ZOS title

Hopeium: Outer worlds 2

This show is going to be somewhere between amazing and the greatest of all time


Likely one day before the showcase

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I am impatient haha

Although not first party, I can see FF16 being announced here, hopefully releasing this year too. FF7R I’m not sure yet. I mean Sony still has the deal with SE for part 2 and 3, right? That will get honored. Maybe people are right with their speculation that Xbox might not get the 7 remakes until the last one is out and the deals have been honored and are done with.

For me personally am hoping to see that Clockwork Revolution exclusive. I feel like that has the makings of something Xbox could use as a RPG exclusive to hardware. But am really hoping Inxile is using the entire hard to make this one of the best games this generation.


I’m most excited for Gears/PD but I want to be surprised by something we haven’t already seen/heard of.

Maybe that’s the IOI / ZOS projects but I think they need that surprise to take it to the next level.

I mean gears 6 would be a major announcement imo lol

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True, however we have all been expecting the next Gears for years now. I was even expecting to see it at the last showcase.

The long running joke has always been that Xbox is Halo, Gears and Forza.

Something left field would just create that extra hype that is surely needed.


Indy and Avowed this year and Fable next year is a loooong way from gears forza halo IMO haha

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They don’tneed anymore than what’s been announced and DOOM/Gears. :person_shrugging:t6:

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If Indy Avowed Fable and Gears isn’t exciting to you, the issue is with you not wanting to be excited frfr

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You’ve again missed the point.

We already know about these titles, Gears hasn’t been officially announced but it was a given.

Yes they are exciting, I’m a big Gears fan. I’m just saying I would like to see something completely left field announced that we are not expecting or hasn’t previously been discussed/announced.

I think it would raise the hype from 10 to 100.

Im already at 90 with just what we expect to see there and no surprises.

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Anywho, Visions of Mana, MSFS 2024, Avowed, Age of Mythology Retold, ARA: History Untold, Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, Starfield: Shattered Space, Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred, Capcom’s Path of the Goddess, Neople’s The First Berserker, Persona 3 RELOADED the Answer DLC, Metaphor: ReFantazio and a new COD are pretty much confirmed for the showcase.

DOOM, Perfect Dark, and Gears have been heavily hinted at by insiders.

And IMO pretty much anything else MS has announced previously is on the table to have a good showing involving gameplay.

Should be nice and juicy.

Edit: Sheesh I’ve had to edit this post several times to add stuff.


I think the showcase will show some release dates for Path of the Goddess and Vision of Mana.

Although i would not say no to additional Jrpg reveals since its been great for the last few years.

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Speaking of JRPGs, can you imagine a remake of Lost Odyssey or something else from Mistwalker. I totally don’t see that happening, but with Tango closing down, I would like to see something that gives me hope in Japan.

We want a sequel to Blue Dragon, I need more of that Battle Theme!

Also, wonder if Sega would be ready to show more of those games they announced at Game Awards last year. I’d be down for some more Jet Set Radio or Crazy Taxi or even Golden Axe or Shinobi, whatever is closer to release!

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I get what you’re saying Hue. Last year, when they showed Clockwork Revolution from InXile, I was like, holy shit, hell yeah!! Hoping for one or two reveals that we don’t see coming.

Agreed. And we should definitely get a good amount of release dates too!!

Visions of Mana was recently rated by the ESRB so we should definitely get a release date for it. Hoping Square Enix is smart enough to release it by August because once the Fall hits, it’s going to get completely buried with all the major heavy hitters releasing.

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I only want an Oblivion remaster or remake.

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