Xbox Game Studios |OT11| The One with Starfield and Activision Blizzard King

If you’re going to say quality they have a nearly identical MC/OC for the last 5+ years. Again, it’s all in the eye of the person playing on game quality. PlayStation is the biggest because it’s the default 3rd party platform.


Might as well share this here too.


Grubb having to add context because people cherry picked it is a valued tradition at this point.

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Not being familiar with each instance, or even this instance, I fully admit I don’t know what I’m talking about here… BUT since it happens all the time to him, it reminds me of the saying “If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, maybe you’re the asshole.”

Fair point. To his defence though, todays engagement farmers on twitter use everything they can get.

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Grubb knows his hearsay spreads FUD and he knows full what he’s doing. Anything to keep his name in the headlines I guess.


Gears of War aged very well. It’s still as awesome as ever. The crew and their chatter is the best and the level design is great. If we indeed get a remastered collection I’m absolutely going to replay them all in co-op.


Am hoping it maintain as an exclusive, after the porting of four other ones i think it would be in bad faith for consumers to feel happy if that occurs. Not only that but it would effectively bring the death of Hardware as we know it.


Massive backpedaling from Jeff. Dude now says he has asked again bla bla we will see it at the showcase + Gears 6 + new ID game.

You mean Jeff Grubb right? Not Jez.

Sorry my bad

What did he initially say?

Yeah, I do agree with that! Halo and Gears of War ARE the face of Xbox.


Thank god someone gets it. I felt like some folks do not consider them as faces of Xbox. Like there are alongside Forza, and if Gears were to be ported how the hell does Xbox expect to gain anything for their hardware anymore. Its incredibly shortsighted that is even considered.


When I see Gears of War I see the Xbox 360, their very best console and it isn’t even close. What an amazing time. Yeah, it would be very shortsighted if they were to do that, but it wouldn’t shock me. They’ve proven there are some real shortsighted folks up there and I honestly don’t even know right now wtf to expect from MS with Xbox.

As for Tom Warren about ID’s new game at June show, it seems to be Doom related after all. But I could swear ID said their next one wouldn’t be Doom.


Am hoping some folks on Xbox realises the consequences of this before its too late. Am hopeful they do and avoid it at all costs, because finding a replacement for Gears as a pillar of Xbox is going to be like finding a needle in a haysack.


Why are you acting like day one ports are some guaranteed eventuality when so Xbox has never had a non Minecraft/ COD day one port? If a game like gears was ever ported it would be after years of it being out

A collection consisting of all Gears of War games so far though?

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To be honest, it might be a way to introduce gamers to Xbox if it was elsewhere too.

I imagine it’s even worse in mainland Europe, but here in the UK many of the younger generation barely know of Xbox let alone any series on it - beyond maybe Halo due to the Fortnite crossover / played it years ago (they’d have been too young to play Gears) / have seen the TV series.

The tentpole titles might mean something to those of us old enough to remember the 360, and a few of those who’ve joined since, but I’m honestly thinking to those beyond the core gaming community they don’t have the same impact.

Particularly Gears which hasn’t had a TV series or recent game - if Coalition is doing the next one maybe the collection goes to PS too as a way to get players to buy an Xbox for the next one…

(In a similar vein, I’d support FH5 going over - it’s a live service game anyway, and if FH6 is exclusive / exclusive for a while it could very well sell some consoles as it’s a social game and FOMO might come into it)

I understand your point but what i said still stands. It would kill the hardware if the port flagship over to other consoles.

Sure it would be great for exposure but it would be like a knife stabbing you in the back if you are a Xbox console only user.

The Higher Ups at Xbox said the flagship experience would still be on hardware, so how the hell would that work with gears being ported to other consoles. It kills the entire vibe it spoke of and am not having it, simple as that and no amount of excuses will make this a clever thing.


He said Perfect Dark was in development hell.