Xbox Game Studios |OT11| The One with Starfield and Activision Blizzard King

Thank you. It was driving me crazy


I had a similar thing a few weeks ago. I turned the XSX off and it kept blinking, controller also stayed on. It took more than five minutes so I decided to just hold down the power button on the XSX since pushing it didn’t do a thing. Apparently this could have fucked things up since it was updating, but it’s working fine. But I won’t do this next time, heh.

UE5 has also improved massively. It wasn’t close to ready until now basically

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Imagine if they shadow dropped Gears of War collection in June during the show. I mean it’s not like HFR a new IP.

I think they’ve maybe learnt now and won’t do shadow drops, but maybe a week or two’s notice (maybe more) so they can push some marketing, build hype and get it into reviewer’s hands for previews etc.

Although yes a shadow drop on the June showcase is better than a Developer Direct as a lot more eyes on it…


Hifi had a ton of buzz and media attention with stellar reviews. A shadow drop doesn’t explain why so few gamepass members never played it

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No, it’s not.

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The differences are apparent when you watch each original video at max resolution


Yeah pretty noticeable changes between the two.

Think I will start the replay of the first one in preparation. It is a good thing the game is not long.

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I mean it makes sense Perfect Dark will be shown. I don’t know how It would look but if not shown that game IS cancelled.

These definitive statements come from zero knowledge and just feelings.


Yep, I am a human being and I have feelings.

It’s Microsoft’s job to instill confidence in their customers. They dug themselves into a hole. They can dig their way out, but they’ve got a lot of work to do.


It’s best to just not expect a thing though. And keep in mind that they also showed off Redfall eventually with gameplay and well…the final game wasn’t all that. However, if PD looks great…well, great! Same with SoD 3. Wonder if they can finally show something.

It’s gonna be important in my opinion that they show off plenty stuff, gameplay wise.


Sure, their job is to trick you with their PR into thinking they care about anything but profit. It doesn’t mean that people stating things definitively without any actual evidence, because it matches how they want to feel, still isn’t useful.


Sea of Thieves France made a superb short film entirely made with the game


It’s impossible when the media and 2/3rd of the internet will circlejerk anything negative against you 10000x as hard as anything positive. Case in point, why has tango getting closed gotten 20x the press the game itself ever did?

MS can’t ever change the perspective when saying Xbox bad makes the SEO happy and the majority of people online just want to have purchases they already made validated.

Sony only drops one game in a year, nobody gives a shit. MS drops 3 and people say they’ve fucked up. It’s just a losing battle


Perception is reality. There are a lot of people who are confused by the drastic changes going on at Xbox, as well as some conflicting messages over the past year or two, that makes it hard to clarify that perception. It’s also not the consumer’s job to have to piece it together.

Phil is in charge of a brand. What that brand means today and who that is for is becoming increasingly complex to place in one’s mind. This middle-of-the-road stance even has hardcore Xbox fans that have been with the brand since day one (raises hand) struggling to clarify it and what it means.

Simple ideas travel the farthest. Clarity converts. It’s not simple to explain what Xbox is right now or where it’s going.

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You should only worrying about your enjoyment as a consumer. If you’re not having a good time in Xbox’s ecosystem, time to move on. Let MS worry about the clarity.


Quantity is not what matters.