Xbox Game Studios |OT10| Here are the games

Ha you’re probably right about the latter point!

You also make a really interesting point about the third party games, which I hadn’t really considered before. I think I might do some research into the sales figures of these types of games. Obviously there is the ongoing argument that many of these games aren’t of the same ‘quality’ as PS first party, however I personally enjoyed A Plague Tale 1 & 2 more than The Last Of Us 2 (for context TLOU1 is one of my favs).

The successful 3rd party games I think of in this genre are Jedi Survivor and Arkham Knight however I wonder if a big part of that is due to the IP or not! Outside of this it’s likely games like Red Dead, Tomb Raider, A Plague Tale, Control, Alan Wake, Resident Evil & Assassins Creed etc but I have no idea what their sales figures are like (I know RE & AC do well).


I thought it was an old article because I could have sworn I have seen that headline before.

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The document posted in the “considered for acquisition” thread suggest that Microsoft are (or at least were) having similar thoughts.

This was one of the bullet points listed under “strategic rationale” for Remedy:

One of the last remaining independent, AAA narrative-driven game developers

It does seem to be a reoccurring theme but the article date seems to be new.

Hopefully :crossed_fingers:t2:, I didn’t see the reasoning before, but it’s good they are looking at that too! One good thing to come out of this whole FTC case is a peek behind the curtains, allowing us to see if they may have some of the same concerns (which clearly they do!).

the studios that they have purchased (for the most part) do not want to make those games. and the argument in that article is pretty bad.

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That is not so good. Acquisition is a tricky process and you are not entitled to know about it before it happens. I bet some acquisitions will not happen because of the fact FTC uncover the possibility of them happening.

As an example, Sega was not so happy to see its name on the front page. Even by commenting with smile on that news, it was a bit embarrasing. Being bought means a lot of back office negotiations, some reorganisation (like Sega selling its arcade division, etc) that may be hurt by people learning about the end game.

Also for public owned companies, those negotiations have stock market impact. There is a reason, nobody knows about them in advance.

Yes but that’s not the studios fault is it? Outside of Ninja Theory they haven’t acquired any studios which make these types of games, typically they have all been FPS and RPG studios. The same way you wouldn’t expect to buy a cake company then ask them to stop selling cakes and sell hamburgers instead.

My point was they need to acquire some studios which are interested in making these types of games (like Ninja Theory).

Insider trading is bad I agree, however I wasn’t commenting on specific companies but their strategy. For example Astrak listed that their reason for potentially acquiring Remedy is that they are one of the few remaining independent AAA narrative-driven game studios, therefore we now know that is something they are looking to fill. As a customer who enjoys these games but typically have to play them on PS it’s good to know Xbox are also addressing this behind the scenes too!

As for Sega we don’t know what has been discussed, Sega may have just sold it’s arcade division to be more lean or appear more viable for acquisition. Whether they discussed this with Microsoft we won’t ever know.

We’ve got Ninja Theory making Hellblade 2, Compulsion making South of Midnight, The Coalition making Gears 6 and Playground making Fable (it’s an RPG but it’s third-person and the trailer was pretty cinematic, like Horizon). Also, while Perfect Dark and Indiana Jones are/may be at least partly first-person, they are still cinematic action-adventure games.

That’s at least 6 upcoming games which fit the Sony mould (although they are all far more interesting and unique than what Sony makes). And that’s just the games we know about. There are just as many action-adventure games in development as there are RPGs right now.


Funny part is the “general understanding”.

There are 6 3rd person games in dev at Xbox, but in fact there is no games announced and Xbox should buy more companies doing that sort of games.

In the same time, there is “one” 3rd person games announced (spiderman 2, 2 if you count Wolwerine, which is the same game with different assets), still Sony is seen as the home of 3rd person games.

As I said, MS should not try to copy Sony, because they will always seen as the poor job / copycat/no inspiration/less valued option.


All you need to know about Xbox studios hunt is that they need to satisfy

  • impact on both console and PC
  • a previous history of working on/with Xbox
  • lack of success due to underfunding
  • some legitimate funding problems or too much time spending sponsors and contracts
  • some added value to the gamepass catalog

When you add all of that, of course, you end up with Sega.

ABK was the outlier, more a shopping by Microsoft than by Xbox, but all the rest of the studios fit the description

Exactly. Sony offers pretty much one type of game and they are now working on offering another (live service games). Xbox needs to be able to offer every genre, with particular focus on the genres which Xbox has a legacy and a history with so they can own them.

RPGs, FPSs, racing games and strategy games are their bread and butter and they are the industry leader for those, but they are also working on other genres action-adventure games and all sorts of other stuff when you factor in XGSP.

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People should be aware “Last of US will not be out on Xbox”, it or any clones.

State of Decay 3 is not Xbox’s Last of US, it should have its own spirit, which is good because Undead Labs will not be funded with 220 millions $ and will have at the same time to produce something that last more than 15 hours.

Last of US was just an example among Sony IPs.


I’m a big fan of the Coalition and Gears but I would definitely consider it more of a shooter. Also a big huge Fable fan (so much so that my wife become frustrated with it many years ago :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ) but it’s definitely a RPG - I agree the new trailer does look more like a action RPG in the vein of Horizon though - we will have to wait and see I suppose.

I’m intrigued how South of Midnight and Indiana Jones will turn out (assuming they are this style), however until then it’s only really Hellblade that I can guarantee will scratch that itch. I think the difference is we know Sony will still produce these games whereas with Xbox it’s untested ground.

Just to be clear my post wasn’t asking for clones, simply more games in this genre/style.

I thought this shows how impressive Xbox’s (EDIT: Microsoft Gaming’s) growth is this generation.


Look at all those Activision studios rotting on Call of Duty.


Hopefully it will start to change, I actually really enjoyed some of their older games such as Prototype.

Nick will actually have a Xbox studio in Australia too with Blizzard & Sledgehammer!

This is not Xbox, this is Microsoft Gaming Studios, a big difference (a difference that will not please the “focus-on-xbox” crowd)

In fact, the sketch is erroneous putting Xbox Game studios in the center

It’s all wordplay.

They can start referring to themselves as Microsoft Gaming (and change their job titles) but I will still call it Xbox…

There’s shops in the high street that my mum still calls by their original name 30+ years ago :rofl:


This is not wordplay. Xbox is not the only focus of MS.

Anyway, the organigram is wrong, they are not reporting to XGS.

What I mean is anything gaming related to Microsoft is likely always going to be labelled “Xbox” by your average Joe.

I can go edit my original post to say “Microsoft Gaming” if it really bothers you that much? I didn’t think it would upset anyone.